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System BIOS Cacheable
Selecting Enabled allows caching of the system BIOS ROM at F0000h - FFFFFh, result-
ing in better system performance. However, if any program writes to this memory area, a
system error may result.
Video RAM Cacheable
When enabled. The Video RAM cache will cause access to video RAM addressed at
C0000H to C7FFFH to be cached, if the cache controller is also enabled.
AGP Aperture Size (MB)
This item allows the user to set memory-mapped, graphics data structures can reside in
Graphics Aperture.
AGP-2X Mode
This item allows you to enable/disable AGP-2X function. See www.apgforum.org for
AGP information.
OnChip USB
Select Enabled if your system contains a Universal Serial Bus (USB) controller and you
have a USB peripheral.
Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk
Enabling this item allosw system auto detect and close clock signal to empty DIMM/PCI
slot to reduce EMI.
Spread Spectrum
This item allows the user to enable Spread Spectrum Modulated to reduce the EMI.
CPU Host Clock
This item allows the user to adjust CPU Host Bus Clock from BIOS when JP9 is set to
The user may adjust CPU Host Clock from 60 MHz to 83 MHz when 66 MHz based
Pentium II or Celeron processor is used, or from 100 MHz to 133 MHz when 100 MHz
based Pentium II processor is used.
This item will not show up when JP9 is set to Manual.
CPU Clock Ratio
This item allows the user to adjust CPU Host Clock/Internal Clock ration when JP9 is set
to Auto.
The user may adjust CPU Clock Ratio from 2x to 5x.
This item will not show up when JP9 is set to Manual.
CPU Speed
This item is show only. when CPU Host Clock and CPU Clock Ratio is set, the result
will be display on this item.