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Suspend Mode
When this item enabled and after the set up time of system inactivity, all
devices except the CPU will be shut off.
The choice: Disabled, 1 Min, 2 Min, 4 Min, 6 Min, 8 Min, 10 Min,
20 Min, 30 Min, 40 Min, or 1 Hour.
Video Off Option
When enabled, this feature allows the VGA adapter to operate in a
power saving mode.
Always On
Monitor will remain on during power saving
Suspend --> Off
Monitor is blanked when the system enters the
Suspend mode.
The choice: Always On or Suspend ->off.
Video Off Method
This determines the manner in which the monitor is blanked.
Blank Screen
This option only writes blanks to the video
V/H SYNC+Blank This selection will cause the system to turn off
the vertical and horizontal synchronization
ports and write blanks to the video buffer.
DPMS Support
Initial display power management signaling.
The choice: Blank Screen, V/H SYNC+Blank or DPMS Support.
This determines the IRQ which the MODEM can use.
The choice: 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, or N/A.
Soft-Off by PWRBTN
Pressing the power button for more than 4 seconds forces the system to
enter the Soft-Off state when the system has "hung.".
The choice: Instant-off or Delay 4 Sec.
Run VGABIOS if S3 Resume
This item allows the system to initialize the VGABIOS from S3 ( Sus-
pend to RAM ) sleep state.
The choice: Auto , Yes or No.
State After Power Failure
This item allows you to set whether you want your system to reboot
after power has been interrupter.
The choice: On or Off.