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0.15% CPU
Core Voltage
0.5% CPU
Core Voltage
1.5% CPU
Core Voltage
7.8% CPU
Core Voltage
J55, JP45 Open (100MHz Based Processor
over-clock to 133MHz Processor)
J55, JP45 Close (Default)
JP45 Close (66MHz Based Processor
over-clock to 100MHz Processor)
CPU Vcore Fine tune (JP48)
AB61 mainboard supports a 4-pin jumper JP48 to increase CPU Voltage
which provide from mainboard.
Over-Clocking the CPU (J55 & JP45)
Warning :
Over-clocking is not a recommended practice for it may
damage both the mainboard and the processor.
Clear CMOS (JP19)
JP19 is used to clear CMOS data. Clearing CMOS will result in perma-
nently erasing the previous system configuration settings and restoring the
original (factory-set) system settings.
Pin 1-2 (Default)
Pin 2-3 (Clear CMOS)
Step 1.
Turn off the system power (PC-> Off)
Step 2.
Remove jumper cap from JP19 pins 1-2
Step 3.
Place the jumper cap on JP19 pin 2-3
for a few seconds
Step 4.
Return the jumper cap to pin 1-2
Step 5.
Turn on the system power (PC-> On)