• Example 1: DMX console control (Half Cycle Mode)
• Example 2: Firing with DMX control (wave firing, Half Cycle Mode)
DMX Value = 2+ Sequence No.*2.55
> Channel 5 (CH5): Program Sequence setup
Firing sequence mode/related firing channel
DMX value
Sequence No.
Half Cycle Mode(180)
Full Cycle Mode(360)
The fifth Channel allows to firing a preset sequence. Three DMX values can be used for one of the programmed firing
sequence from above sequence list (refer to above sequence list table).
Below formula can be used to calculate firing sequence:
CH6: Mode setup
DMX value
Pressure Relief
Pressure Armed
Pressure Relief
> Channel 6 (CH6): Mode setup
The sixth channel is the working mode of pump.
When the safety lock located at TEST MODE, set DMX value between 50-200 to test the system. For safety, the device will
not pressuriser.
When the safety lock located at USER MODE, the device pressuriser activated by set DMX value between 50-200. The device
can only make ignitions in Firing mode.
1. Set nozzle straight up
(CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH4 Firing duration = 0, CH5 Program sequence = 0, CH6 Compres
sion mode = 50~200)
2. Set preset Sequence No. 31
(CH1 Angle = 128, CH2 Speed = 0, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH4 Firing duration = 0, CH5 Program sequence DMX value = 80,
CH6 Compression mode = 50~200)
3. Ignition
( CH1 Angle = 128
CH2 Speed = 0
CH3 Ignition = 255
CH4 Firing duration = 0
CH5 Program sequence DMX
value = 80, CH6 Compression mode = 50~200)
1. Set firing nozzle to the start point
(CH1 Angle = 0, CH2 Speed = 255, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH6 Compression mode = 50~200)
2. Set up firing speed
(CH1 Angle = 0, CH2 Speed = 50, CH3 Ignition = 0, CH6 Compression mode = 50~200)
3. Set firing end point and ignition
(CH1 Angle = 255, CH2 Speed = 50, CH3 Ignition = 255, CH6 Compression mode = 50~200)
4. Firing Nozzle will firing and make movement from start point to end point
After firing, The DMX value of CH3 must fall below 254, before an ignition can be made again. CH1 defines the
nozzle position after firing.
After firing, The DMX value of CH3 must fall below 254, before an ignition can be made again.