Ordercode: 50731
Creator 1024 PRO
Controlling Dimmers and Fixtures
When you are programming a show, and sometimes when you are running a show, you need to
manually control the fixtures and dimmers to set the intensity, position, color, etc. To do this you first select
the fixtures you want to change using the Swop buttons, then you set the attributes of those fixtures using
the wheels and attribute buttons.
1. Selecting Fixtures and Dimmers for Control
To select the fixtures or dimmer channels that you want to control, you use the fixture buttons. You can
select fixtures or dimmers individually, or several at once.
You can control dimmer channels and fixture intensity directly from the fader control of the handle, or
select the channels as described below and use the dimmer attribute.
Press the fixture buttons for the fixtures you want. The LED on the fixture button will light up for the
selected fixtures.
To select a range of fixtures, hold down the fixture button for the first fixture then press the fixture
button for the last fixture.
Press <Locate> to position the selected fixtures in open white at a central position. These values are
not loaded into the programmer – they will not be saved in a scene unless you modify the fixture.
If you want to light up a fixture without moving its position, press <M.L. MENU> then <A> [Locate
without P/T]
If you select a fixture you do not want, press its fixture button again to deselect it.
You can deselect a fixture by pressing the fixture select button again.
Once you have changed any attribute, pressing a fixture button will deselect all fixtures and start the
selection process again.
You can select fixtures on another page by pressing one of the Pages of Fixtures buttons.
2. Changing Attributes of the Selected Fixtures
“Attributes” are the functions of the fixture, like pan, tilt, color, dimmer, etc. You select which attributes
you want to modify using the buttons on the right edge of the console and set values, by turning the
wheels at the bottom of the Creator 1024 PRO. The attributes available depend on the fixture type.
Dimmer channels only have a dimmer attribute. The Creator 1024 PRO can control up to 40 attributes per
fixture. Each attribute button controls two attributes, one on the left wheel and one on the right wheel.
Press the button for the attribute to be changed.
Turn the wheels to set the attribute. The display above the wheels shows which attributes are being
Repeat the steps to change other attributes of the selected fixtures.
The attribute buttons let you select the first 20 attributes. Another 20 attributes are available by
pressing the attribute 11-20 buttons, to cater for the weird and wonderful DMX fixtures of the future.
The light on the button stays on when you are using the top 20 attributes.
If the display above the wheels does not show the attribute when you press the button, that attribute
is not available on the selected fixtures.
There are three operation modes for the sliders above the fixture buttons. In “Live Programming
Mode” menu, press <A> to change the operation modes:
Dimmer (Programming): The faders are to control the dimmer channels of the fixture button.
The data will enter the programming area.
Dimmer (Playback): The faders are to control the dimmer channels of the fixture button. The
data will not enter the programming area.
Attribute: To control the attributes of the selected fixtures. The data will enter the programming