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In order to stabilize the battery performance, use the system after installation until the red LED of battery charging
indicator lights on, then charge the batteries.
<After Installation>
Explain to the user to perform above charging-discharging cycle several times in the first use of the system after
installation. (Refer to “4.7 Charging the Battery” in Operation Manual of MUX-100D.)
In other words, explain to the user to use the system until the batteries are almost completely discharged.
After the first use of the system, it is recommended to recharge the battery after two or more green LEDs of the battery indicator
light off for a long life and good performance of the battery. Too frequent charging may lower the performance and reduce
the battery life.
<Difference from MUX-100/100H>
Function of battery charging is different from MUX-100/100H series. (Refer to “3-2-4 Charging circuit”.)
If the key switch is set to OFF and DR system is turned OFF , battery charging will start when the power plug
is connected, regardless of the current battery charged voltage.
(In case of MUX-100/100H, the battery charging does not start if the current battery voltage is high.)
Because the battery also should supply the power for DR system in case of MUX-100D.
So, MUX-100D has new function for controlling battery charging current more accurately to avoid over-charged condition of
the battery. But, anyway, the above caution for battery charging procedure is recommended to follow as same as
MUX-100/100H series for a long life and good performance of the battery.