OUTPUT - Linear in °C
OUTPUT - Linear in ppm(v)
For example:
For a range of -80°C to + 20°C dewpoint the analogue output will be at its
minimum when the reading is at -80°C dewpoint and at its maximum when the
reading is at +20°C dewpoint.
Furthermore the factory default configuration is that the output current ranges
from 4 to 20 mA. Therefore using the above example the port will output 4mA
when the AcuTrak displays -80°C dewpoint.
And 20mA when the AcuTrak di20°C dewpoint.
If a sensor is detected as short circuit then the current output will rise to
If required there is facility to change the output current calibration points at either
end of the scale to attain a more focused signal.
8.5.1 Spanning the mA Output
It is possible to change the output current calibration points at either end of the
range to attain a more focused retransmitted signal.