Sharp FO-2950M - B/W Laser - All-in-One User Manual Download Page 134

Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialling



Enter a 2-digit number from 





for the number of minutes of the 


Press the 


 key to return to the 

date and time display.

3 minutes

Recall times for automatic dialling

If desired, you can change the maximum number of automatic 
redialling attemps made when the line is busy.

Under certain conditions (for example if a person answers the call 
on a telephone), automatic redialling may stop before the set 
number of redialling attempts are made.


Press these keys:

The display will show:


Enter a 2-digit number from 





for the maximum number of redial 


Press the 


 key to return to the 

date and time display.

5 attempts

ENTER (00-10) 02








4  Page 130  Tuesday, November 21, 2000  3:27 PM

Summary of Contents for FO-2950M - B/W Laser - All-in-One

Page 1: ...ELEFAX MODELL FO 2950M 1 Installation 2 Sending Documents 3 Receiving Documents 4 Making Copies 5 Making Telephone Calls 6 Answering Machine Hookup 7 Special Functions 8 Printing Lists 9 Maintenance 10 Troubleshooting ...

Page 2: ...cessible This equipment complies with the requirements of Directives 98 13 EC and 89 336 EEC 73 23 EEC both amended by 93 68 EEC Dieses Gerät entspricht den Anforderungen der EU Richtlinien 98 13 EU und 89 336 EWG sowie 73 23 EWG die durch die Richtlinie 93 68 EWG geändert wurden Cet appareil est conforme aux exigences de la directive 98 13 CEE ainsi que des directives 89 336 CEE et 73 23 CEE modi...

Page 3: ...een onvoorwaardelijke garantie voor een succesvolle werking op elk PSTN netwerkaansluitpunt Neem bij problemen in eerste instantie contact op met de leverancier van het apparaat Este equipamento foi aprovado para ligação pan europeia de um único terminal à rede telefónica pública comutada RTPC nos termos da Decisão 98 482 CE No entanto devido às diferenças existentes entre as RTPC dos diversos paí...

Page 4: ...Notes ...

Page 5: ...stallation 75 Unpacking Checklist 75 Connections 76 Installing the Toner Cartridge 82 Loading Printing Paper 86 Setting Up the Multifunction Interface 88 Entering Your Name and Fax Number 92 Setting the Date and Time 96 Setting the Reception Mode 99 Volume Adjustment 103 PBX Settings 105 Setting the Display Language 107 2 Sending Documents 108 Transmittable Documents 108 Loading the Document 110 A...

Page 6: Machine Connection 153 Connecting an Answering Machine 153 Using the Answering Machine Connection 154 Optional A M Mode Settings 156 7 Special Functions 160 Broadcasting 160 Cover Sheet 165 Batch Page Numbering 168 Blocking Reception of Unwanted Faxes 170 Polling Requesting a Fax Transmission 172 Timer Operations 178 8 Printing Lists 181 9 Maintenance 187 Scanning glass and rollers 187 The hou...

Page 7: ...Table of Contents 3 1 Installation 10 Troubleshooting 194 Problems and Solutions 194 Messages and Signals 200 Clearing Paper Jams 203 Index 210 ...

Page 8: ...å maskinens vänstra sida märkt TEL LINE Anslut till telefonjacket i väggen 4 Montera pappersfacket 5 Montera mottagarbrickan 6 Montera originaldokumentstödet Se till att stödets framsida är något böjd uppåt 7 En sidoapparat eller en telefonsvarare kan anslutas till faxen Ta bort säkerhetstejpen på TEL SET kontakten Anslut sidoapparaten eller telefonsvararen till TEL SET kontakten ...

Page 9: ...yddspappret Avrivna pappersbitar får inte lämnas i maskinen 3 Ta ur den nya kassetten ur förpackningen Skaka den fyra eller fem gånger så att tonern fördelas jämnt i kassetten Ta försiktigt bort tejpen och förpackningsmaterialet 4 Håll i kassettens handtag markeringen PUSH skall vara uppåt och sätt in kassetten i printerdelen 5 Tryck med tummen på markeringen PUSH och se till att kassetten sitter ...

Page 10: ... 4 Lägg pappersbunten i facket med trycksidan uppåt Se till att inte pappersbunten är högre än markeringslinjen För mycket papper kan förorsaka pappersstopp Ta ur eventuella restblad och slå ihop och lufta dessa med den nya pappersbunten 5 Se till att pappersbunten ligger mot den högra pappersstyrningen och flytta sedan den vänstra styrningen till A4 läge 6 Tryck tillbaka handtaget Notera Gör om h...

Page 11: ...är färdig START START START STOP FUNCTION Mata in datum och klockslag 1 Tryck Displayen visar 2 Tryck 3 Mata in två siffror för datum 01 31 4 Mata in två siffror för månad 01 12 5 Mata in fyra siffror för år T ex 2000 6 Mata in två siffror för timme 00 23 och två siffror för minut 00 59 7 Tryck när du är färdig Spara och rensa kortnummer 1 Tryck Displayen visar 2 Tryck 1 för att spara kortnummer e...

Page 12: ...ttagare har programmerats in på samma grupptangent välj denna START SPEED DIAL Spara nummer på grupptangenter 1 Tryck Displayen visar 2 Tryck 1 för att programmera en grupptangent eller 2 för att rensa en grupptangent 3 Tryck en grupptangent en av snabbtangenterna 17 G1 till 20 G4 om du rensar ett gruppnummer gå till steg 5 4 Använd en eller båda sätten att mata in faxnummer som skall sparas på gr...

Page 13: ...änd för att bläddra bakåt 3 När önskad inställning visas mata in valet för inställningen se nedan med siffertangenterna 4 Har valet matats in visas inställningen Tryck för att komma tillbaka till datum och klockslag Inställningar INSTÄLLNING FÖR UPPLÖSNING Bestämmer läge för upplösning vid dokumentsändning Tryck 1 JA för FINE upplösning eller 2 NEJ för STANDARD upplösning ANTAL SIGNALER Bestämmer ...

Page 14: ...nen SPRÅK Byter språk i display rapporter och listor Tryck START sedan eller tills önskat språk visas i displayen tryck START igen TELEFONVÄXEL Är faxen ansluten till en telefonväxel gäller följande Tryck 1 för JA och ange anslutningsläge till extern linje 1 för JORD 2 för TID eller 3 för ID Ange ID numret till växeln och tryck sedan START Välj slutligen RETUR TILL VÄXELN läge 1 för JORD 2 för TID...

Page 15: ... bort eller skrivas ut på nästa sida Tryck 1 för att klippa bort eller 2 för att skriva ut på nästa sida Listor och rapporter 1 Tryck följande tangenter 2 Tryck för att bläddra genom listorna bläddra bakåt tryck 3 Tryck när önskad lista visas Aktivitetsrapport Visar information om senaste sändningar och mottagningar Timerlista Visar aktiva tidsinställningar Telefonlista Visar förprogrammerade faxn...

Page 16: ...r den andre enden inn i enn telefon veggkontakt 4 Monter papirskuffen 5 Monter skuffen for mottatte dokumenter 6 Monter støtten for originaldokumenter Kontroller at forsiden på støtten vender mot deg støtten skal være litt buet på den siden som vender mot deg 7 Kople et biapparat eller en telefonsvarer til faxapparatet hvis du ønsker det Fjern forseglingen som dekker TEL SET jakken på siden av fax...

Page 17: 3 Ta en ny toner patron ut av emballasjen Ryst patronen fra side til side fire eller fem ganger slik at toneren fordeles jevnt inne i patronen Fjern båndet og pappemballasjen forsiktig fra toner patronen 4 Hold toner patronen i håndgrepet med det påtrykkede merket på patronen vendt opp og før patronen inn i skriverhuset 5 Plasser tommelen på merket PUSH midt på håndgrepet og press håndgrepet ne...

Page 18: ...d siden som det skal skrives på vendt opp Kontroller at stabelen ikke er høyere enn den markerte linjen Hvis du legger inn for mye papir kan det oppstå papirkø eller feil på matingen Hvis det blir værende papir igjen i skuffen må du ta det ut og legge det sammen med det nye papiret til en stabel før du legger inn det nye papiret 5 Kontroller at papirstabelen ligger inntil høyre papirføring og beve...

Page 19: ...e tegn 6 Trykk når du er ferdig START START START STOP FUNCTION Innstilling av dato og klokke 1 Trykk Displayet viser 2 Trykk 3 Legg inn to siffer for dagen 01 til 31 4 Legg inn to siffer for måneden 01 til 12 5 Legg inn fire siffer for året Eks 2000 6 Legg inn to siffer for time 00 til 23 og to siffer for minutt 00 til 59 7 Når du er ferdig trykker du Lagring og sletting av automatisk valg numre ...

Page 20: ...ast behøver du bare trykke gruppe tasten START SPEED DIAL Lagring av faxnummer i gruppe taster 1 Trykk Displayet viser 2 Trykk 1 for å programmere en gruppe tast eller 2 for å slette en gruppe tast 3 Trykk en gruppe tast en av hurtig tastene 17 G1 til 20 G4 Hvis du vil slette en gruppe tast kan du gå videre til punkt 5 4 Bruk en eller begge av de to metodene som er beskrevet nedenunder for å legge...

Page 21: ...akover 3 Legg inn valgt innstilling når den ønskede innstilling vises se nedenunder ved å trykke talltastene 4 Når du har lagt inn et valg vises neste innstilling For å vende tilbake til dato og klokke displayet må du trykke Innstillinger FINE RESOLUTION PRIORITY PRIORITERT FIN OPPLØSNING Denne opsjonen innstiller standard oppløsning for overføring av dokumenter Trykk 1 JA for å innstille standard...

Page 22: ...ISERING Bruk denne funksjonen hvis du behøver å utsette starten av den ovenfor nevnte tause identifiseringstid Legg inn et tosifret tall for antall sekunder utsettelsen skal var 00 til 15 SELECT AUTO RECEIVE VALG AUTOMATISK MOTTAK Trykk 1 for å la faxapparatet svare automatisk etter 5 ringesignaler i A M modus hvis telefonsvareren som er tilkoplet faxapparatet ikke har svart innen den tid Trykk 2 ...

Page 23: ...t Dette sikrer at ikke data langs kantene av dokumentet blir klippet bort Trykk 2 for å deaktivere funksjonen og få mottatte dokumenter skrevet ut i full størrelse COPY CUT OFF KOPIAVKLIPP Når du gjør en kopi av et dokument som er lenger enn utskriftspapiret kan du bruke kopiavklipps funksjonen for å velge om gjenværende del av dokumentet skal klippes av eller skrives ut på en ny side Trykk 1 for ...

Page 24: ...ohdon toinen pää puhelimen pistorasiaan 4 Kiinnitä paperiteline 5 Kiinnitä saapuvien dokumenttien teline 6 Kiinnitä alkuperäiskappaleiden kannatin Varmista että kannattimen etupuoli on sinuun päin kannattimen on kaarruttava hieman sinua kohti 7 Liitä faksiin halutessasi rinnakkaispuhelin tai puhelinvastaaja Poista faksin kyljessä olevan TEL SET jakkikoskettimen peittävä suojus Kytke rinnakkaispuhe...

Page 25: 3 Ota uusi värikasetti pakkauksesta Ravistele värikasettia kevyesti puolelta toiselle 4 5 kertaa jotta väri leviää tasaisesti kasetin sisälle Irrota varovasti kasetissa oleva nauha ja pahvinen pakkausmateriaali 4 Pitele kiinni kasetin kädensijasta niin että kasettiin painetut merkinnät osoittavat ylöspäin ja aseta kasetti tulostinlokeroon 5 Pistä peukalosi kädensijan keskiosaan jossa on merki...

Page 26: ...telineeseen painettava puoli ylöspäin Varmista ettei pino ylitä merkkiviivaa Jos papereita on liikaa paperit saattavat juuttua kiinni ja syöttöön tulee virheitä Jos telineeseen on jäänyt papereita ota ne pois ja laita ne uuden pinon joukkoon ennen kuin laitat pinon telineeseen 5 Varmista että paperipino on oikeanpuoleista paperinohjainta vasten ja siirrä sitten vasen paperinohjain varovasti A4 ase...

Page 27: ...ä tietyn symbolin tai erikoismerkin kohdalle 6 Kun olet valmis paina START START START STOP FUNCTION Päivämäärän ja kellonajan asettaminen 1 Paina Näyttöön ilmestyy 2 Paina 3 Syötä päivän kaksi numeroa 01 31 4 Syötä kuukauden kaksi numeroa 01 12 5 Syötä vuosiluvun neljä numeroa esim 2000 6 Syötä tuntien 00 23 ja minuuttien kaksi numeroa 00 59 7 Kun olet valmis paina Automaattisesti valittavien num...

Page 28: ...en voit valita ne painamalla ryhmänäppäintä START SPEED DIAL Numeroiden tallentaminen ryhmänäppäimiin 1 Paina Näyttöön ilmestyy 2 Paina 1 kun haluat ohjelmoida ryhmänäppäinen tai 2 kun haluat nollata ryhmänäppäimen 3 Paina ryhmänäppäintä yhtä pikanäppäimistä 17 G1 20 G4 Jos haluat nollata ryhmänäppäimen siirry vaiheeseen 5 4 Käytä yhtä tai molempia seuraavista menetelmistä kun haluat syöttää faksi...

Page 29: ...ä 3 Kun haluamasi asete tulee esiin syötä haluamasi vaihtoehdot katso alhaalla painamalla numeronäppäimiä 4 Kun olet päättänyt syötön esiin tulee seuraava asete Kun haluat palata päivämäärän ja kellonajan näyttöön paina Asetteet FINE RESOLUTION PRIORITY erottelu tarkkuus Tämän vaihtoehdon avulla asetetaan lähe tettävien asiakirjojen erottelutarkkuuden ole tusarvo Paina 1 KYLLÄ jos haluat asettaa t...

Page 30: ...t Detect Time toiminnon käynnistymistä Syötä kaksinumeroinen luku joka ilmoittaa viivytyksen keston sekunteina 00 15 SELECT AUTO RECEIVE automaattisen vastaanoton valinta Paina 1 jotta saat faksilaitteen vastaamaan puheluun 5 soiton jälkeen A M tilassa jos faksilaitteeseen kytketty puhelinvastaaja ei mene päälle ennen sitä Saat kytkettyä toi minnon pois päältä painamalla 2 LANGUAGE SELECT kielen v...

Page 31: ...siakirjat vastaanotetaan todellisen kokoisina COPY CUT OFF kopion loppu pois Kun haluat kopioida asiakirjan joka on pitempi kuin käytössä oleva paperi käytä copy cut off asetetta jolloin voit valita jäte täänkö asiakirjan loppuosa pois vai tuloste taanko se toiselle paperille Paina 1 kun haluat jättää loppuosan pois tai 2 kun haluat että loppuosa tulostetaan toiselle paperille Luetteloiden ja rapo...

Page 32: ...nden ende i en telefonstikdåse 4 Anbring papirbakken 5 Anbring bakken for modtagne dokumenter 6 Anbring holderen for originaldokumentet Kontroller at forsiden af holderen vender mod Dem holderen skal bue let henimod Dem 7 Hvis ønsket tilsluttes en ekstratelefon eller telefonsvarer til telefaxmaskinen Fjern afdækningen som dækker TEL SET bøsningen på siden af telefaxmaskinen Tilslut en ekstratelefo...

Page 33: ...rstykker i maskinen 3 Tag den nye tonerpatron ud af emballagen Ryst patronen fra side til side fire eller fem gange for at fordele toneren jævnt i patronen Tag forsigtigt båndet og papemballeringsmaterialet af tonerpatronen 4 Hold tonerpatronen i grebet med de påstemplede markeringer vendende opad og sæt patronen i printerrummet 5 Anbring Deres tommelfinger midt på grebet hvor det er markeret PUSH...

Page 34: ...ablen fast ind i bakken med printsiden opad Konroller at papirstablen ikke er højere end den markerede linje Ilægning af for meget papir kan medføre fastsiddende og forkert indført papir Hvis papiret ikke trækkes ind tages det ud og samles med det nye papir til een stabel før det lægges i 5 Kontroller at papirstablen er rettet ind mod den højre papirføring og skub derpå forsigtigt den venstre papi...

Page 35: ...boler og specialtegn 6 Hvis De er færdig trykkes på START START START STOP FUNCTION Indstilling af dato og klokkeslæt 1 Tryk Displayet viser 2 Tryk 3 Indtast to cifre for dagen 01 til 31 4 Indtast to cifre for måneden 01 til 12 5 Indtast fire cifre for året eks 2000 6 Indtast to cifre for timetallet 00 til 23 og to cifre for minuttallet 00 til 59 7 Hvis De er færdig trykkes på Lagring og sletning ...

Page 36: ...r blevet programmeret i en gruppetast trykkes ganske enkelt på gruppetasten START SPEED DIAL Lagring af numre i gruppetaster 1 Tryk Displayet viser 2 Tryk 1 for at programmere en gruppetast eller 2 for at slette en gruppetast 3 Tryk på en gruppetast en af hurtig tasterne 17 G1 til 20 G4 Hvis De ønsker at slette en gruppetast gå til trin 5 4 Benyt en eller begge af de følgende metoder for at indtas...

Page 37: ...ede indstillinger fremkommer indtastes et valg for indstillingen se nedenfor ved at trykke på ciffertasterne 4 Efter indtastning af valget fremkommer følgende indstilling For at returnere til dato og klokkeslætvisningen trykkes Indstillinger FINOPLØSNINGSPRIORITET Denne indstilling indstiller default opløsnin gen for forsendelse af dokumenter Tryk på 1 JA for at ændre default indstillingen til fin...

Page 38: sekunder som for sinkelsen 00 til 15 skal vare VALG AF AUTOMATISK MODTAGELSE Tryk på 1 for at få Deres telefaxmaskine til automatisk at svare på et opkald efter 5 ringetoner i A M modien hvis en telefons varer der er tilsluttet til telefaxmaskinen ikke når at svare indenfor dette tidsrum Tryk på 2 for at afbryde funktionen VALG AF SPROG Benyt dette for at ændre sproget der anv endes i displayet...

Page 39: ...ves Tryk på 2 for at afbryde funktionen og få det modtagne dokument udskrevet i fuldt format KOPIAFSKÆREENHED Hvis De laver en kopi af et dokument der er længere end printerpapiret anvendes afskæreindstillingen for at vælge om den resterende del af dokumentet skal skæres bort eller udskrives på en ekstra side Tryk på 1 for at bortskære resten eller 2 for at få resten udskrevet på en ekstra side Ud...

Page 40: ...telefoonbus in de wand 4 Bevestig de papierlade 5 Bevestig de lade voor ontvangen documenten 6 Bevestig de steun voor het originele document Controleer of de voorzijde van de steun naar u gericht is de steun moet licht naar u toe gebogen zijn 7 Desgewenst kunt u een neventoestel of een antwoordapparaat aan het faxtoestel aansluiten Verwijder de verzegeling van de TEL SET bus aan de zijkant van het...

Page 41: ... de verpakking Schud de patroon vier of vijf keer heen en weer om de toner gelijkmatig in de patroon te verdelen Verwijder het band en het kartonnen verpakkingsmateriaal voorzichtig van de tonerpatroon 4 Houd de tonerpatroon aan de handgreep vast terwijl de markeringen op de patroon naar boven gericht zijn en plaats de patroon in het printvak 5 Plaats uw duim in het midden van de handgreep bij de ...

Page 42: ...ijde omhoog Vul het papier niet boven de lijn voor de maximum hoogte Indien u te veel papier invoert kan het papier vastlopen Wanneer u papier wilt toevoegen dient u het resterende papier eerst te verwijderen dit te combineren met het nieuwe papier en vervolgens in één stapel opnieuw te laden 5 Controleer of de stapel papier in één lijn tegen de rechter papiergeleider werd geplaats en beweeg de li...

Page 43: ...tertekens te scrollen 6 Wanneer u klaar bent drukt u op START START START STOP FUNCTION Instellen van datum en tijd 1 Druk op Het display toont 2 Druk op 3 Voer twee cijfers in voor de dag 01 tot 31 4 Voer twee cijfers in voor de maand 01 tot 12 5 Voer vier cijfers in voor het jaar Ex 2000 6 Voer twee cijfers in voor het uur 00 tot 23 en twee cijfers voor de minuten 00 tot 59 7 Wanneer u klaar ben...

Page 44: ...n groepstoets werden geprogram meerd kunt u gewoon op de groepstoets drukken START SPEED DIAL Het opslaan van nummers in groepstoetsen 1 Druk op Het display toont 2 Druk op 1 om een groepstoets te programmeren of op 2 om een groepstoets te wissen 3 Druk op een groepstoets één van de snelkiestoetsen 17 G1 tot 20 G4 Indien u een groepstoets wilt wissen gaat u verder naar stap 5 4 Voer m b v één of b...

Page 45: ...llen drukt u op de toets 3 Wanneer de gewenste instelling verschijnt voert u een selectie voor de instelling in zie hierna door op de numerieke toetsen te drukken 4 Na het invoeren van een selectie verschijnt de ernavolgende instelling Om terug te keren naar de datum en de tijd drukt u op Instellingen FINE RESOLUTION PRIORITY PRIORI TEIT VOOR FIJNE RESOLUTIE Met deze optie zet u het apparaat op de...

Page 46: ...oemde stille detectietijd functie te vertragen Voer een getal met twee cijfers in voor het aantal seconden van de vertraging 00 tot 15 SELECT AUTO RECEIVE SELECTEREN AUTOMATISCHE ONTVANGST Druk op 1 om uw faxtoestel automatisch na 5 belsignalen in de A M mode een gesprek te laten beantwoorden wanneer het ant woordapparaat dat op uw faxtoestel is aan gesloten binnen deze tijd niet heeft geantwoord ...

Page 47: ...uit te zetten en de ontvangen docu menten op vol formaat te printen COPY CUT OFF KOPIE AFSNIJDEN Wanneer u een kopie maakt van een docu ment dat langer is dan het printpapier kunt u de kopie afsnijdfunctie instelling gebruiken om te bepalen of het resterende gedeelte wordt afgesneden of op een tweede pagina wordt geprint Druk op 1 om het resterende gedeelte af te snijden of op 2 om het reste rende...

Page 48: ...troduisez l autre extrémité dans la prise jack murale 4 Fixer la cassette à papier 5 Fixer le compartiment pour documents reçus 6 Fixer le support pour documents originaux S assurer que la face avant du support fait face à l utilisateur le support doit se courber légèrement vers l utilisateur 7 Si besoin est connecter un téléphone supplémentaire ou un répondeur au télécopieur Enlevez l obturateur ...

Page 49: ...toner de son emballage Secouer horizontalement la cartouche quatre ou cinq fois pour répartir le toner de manière homogène dans la cartouche Retirer soigneusement la bande adhésive et l emballage de carton de la cartouche de toner 4 Tenir la cartouche de toner par la poignée avec les marques de la cartouche pointant vers le haut et insérer la cartouche dans le compartiment d impression 5 Placer le...

Page 50: ... face imprimable vers le haut S assurer que la rame ne dépasse pas la ligne de repère Le chargement d une quantité trop importante de papier peut entraîner des bourrages de papier et des problèmes d alimentation de papier Si du papier reste dans la cassette le sortir et le rassembler en un seul tas avec la nouvelle rame avant de le recharger dans la cassette 5 S assurer que la rame de papier est a...

Page 51: ...e enfoncer START START START STOP FUNCTION Réglage de la date et de l heure 1 Entrer L écran affiche 2 Presser 3 Entrer deux chiffres pour le jour 01 à 31 4 Entrer deux chiffres pour le mois 01 à 12 5 Entrer quatre caractères pour l année Ex 2000 6 Entrer deux chiffres pour l heure 00 à 23 et deux chiffres pour les minutes 00 à 59 7 Lorsque l opération est terminée enfoncer Enregistrement et effac...

Page 52: ...s une touche de groupe il suffit simplement de presser la touche de groupe START SPEED DIAL Enregistrement de numéros sous une touche de groupe 1 Enfoncer L écran affiche 2 Presser 1 pour programmer une touche de groupe ou 2 pour effacer une touche de groupe 3 Presser une touche de groupe une des touches express 17 G1 à 20 G4 Pour effacer une touche de groupe passer à l étape 5 4 Suivre une de ces...

Page 53: ...ens du défilement presser la touche 3 Lorsque le paramètre souhaité apparaît entrer la sélection du paramètre voir ci après au moyen des touches numérotées 4 Après l entrée de la sélection le paramètre suivant apparaît Pour retourner à l affichage de la date et de l heure presser Paramètres PRIORITÉ RÉSOLUTION FINE Cette option définit la résolution par défaut pour la transmission de documents Ent...

Page 54: ...tection silence expliquée ci dessus Entrer un nombre à deux chiffres pour le nombre de secondes du retarde ment 00 à 15 SÉLECTION DE R CEPTION AUTO Presser 1 pour faire en sorte que le télé copieur réponde automatiquement à un appel après 5 sonneries en mode A M répondeur si le répondeur connecté au télécopieur ne peut répondre avant ce moment Presser 2 pour déscativer la fonc tion SÉLECTION DE LA...

Page 55: ...és en taille réelle DÉCOUPAGE COPIE Lors de la réalisation d une copie d un docu ment dont le format est plus long que celui du papier d impression utiliser la fonction de découpage pour sélectionner quelle par tie restante du document sera imprimée sur une seconde page Presser 1 pour couper la partie restante ou 2 pour imprimer la par tie restante sur une seconde page Impression de listes et de r...

Page 56: ...roduza a outra extremidade numa tomada de telefone existente na parede 4 Monte o tabuleiro para o papel 5 Monte o tabuleiro para receber documentos 6 Monte o suporte para o documento original Assegure se de que a parte da frente do suporte fica virada para si o suporte deve curvar se ligeiramente na sua direcção 7 Se assim o entender ligue um telefone de extensão ou um atendedor ao fax Retire a pr...

Page 57: ...tire o novo cartucho de toner da respectiva embalagem Abane o cartucho quatro ou cinco vezes de um lado para outro para distribuir o toner uniformemente dentro do cartucho Retire cuidadosamente a fita e o material da embalagem de cartão do cartucho do toner 4 Segure o cartucho do toner pela pega com as marcas impressas no cartucho viradas para cima e introduza o cartucho no compartimento de impres...

Page 58: Assegure se de que a resma não é mais alta do que a linha marcada Se colocar demasiado papel no tabuleiro poderá fazer com que o papel fique congestionado ou nem sequer seja puxado Se ainda existir papel no tabuleiro quando fizer uma recarga retire o e misture o com o papel que quer recarregar numa só resma antes de colocar o papel novo 5 Assegure se de que a resma de papel fica alinhada com a ...

Page 59: ...racteres especiais 6 Quando terminar prima START START START STOP FUNCTION Acertar a data e a hora 1 Prima O display mostra 2 Prima 3 Introduza dois dígitos para o dia 01 a 31 4 Introduza dois dígitos para o mês 01 a 12 5 Introduza quatro dígitos para o ano ex 2000 6 Introduza dois dígitos para a hora 00 a 23 e dois dígitos para os minutos 00 a 59 7 Quando terminar prima Memorizar e apagar números...

Page 60: ...ados para uma tecla de grupo prima simplesmente a tecla de grupo START SPEED DIAL Memorizar números em teclas de grupo 1 Prima O display mostra 2 Prima 1 para programar uma tecla de grupo ou 2 para apagar a tecla de grupo 3 Prima uma tecla de grupo uma das teclas rápidas 17 G1 a 20 G4 Se pretende apagar uma tecla de grupo prossiga para o passo 5 4 Utilize um ou ambos os métodos a seguir indicados ...

Page 61: a definição pretendida aparecer introduza a selecção para a definição ver em baixo premindo as teclas numéricas 4 Depois de introduzir uma selecção aparece a definição subsequente Para voltar ao display da data e da hora prima Definições PRIORIDADE ALTA RESOLUÇÃO esta opção define a resolução por defeito para transmitir documentos Prima 1 YES para definir a resolução por defeito como FINE ou 2 ...

Page 62: ... de tempo Prima 2 para desligar a função SELECÇÃO DO IDIOMA Utilize esta função para alterar o idioma uti lizado no seu display nos relatórios e nas lis tas Prima a tecla START prima ou até aparecer o idioma pretendido no display e prima de seguida novamente a tecla START LIGAÇÃO PBX Utilize esta definição se o seu fax estiver ligado a um PBX Prima 1 para seleccionar YES e seleccione de seguida o ...

Page 63: ...finição de corte da fotocópia para selec cionar se a parte que resta do documento original deve ser truncada ou impressa numa segunda página Carregue em 1 para truncar a parte restante ou 2 para que a parte remanescente do documento seja impresso numa segunda página Impressão de listas e relatórios 1 Prima estas teclas 2 Carregue na tecla para se deslocar através das listas para se deslocar para t...

Page 64: ...the other end into a wall telephone socket 4 Attach the paper tray 5 Attach the received document tray 6 Attach the original document support Make sure the front side of the support faces you the support should curve slightly toward you 7 If desired connect an extension telephone or answering machine to the fax Remove the seal covering the TEL SET jack on the side of the fax Connect an extension t...

Page 65: ...ner cartridge from its packaging Shake the cartridge side to side four or five times to distribute the toner evenly within the cartridge Carefully remove the band and the cardboard packaging material from the toner cartridge 4 Hold the toner cartridge by the handle with the stamped markings on the cartridge facing upwards and insert the cartridge into the print compartment 5 Place your thumb on th...

Page 66: ...paper firmly into the tray print side up Make sure that the stack is not higher than the marked line Loading too much paper may cause paper jams and misfeeds If paper remains in the tray take it out and combine it into a single stack with the new paper before adding the new paper 5 Make sure the stack of paper is aligned against the right paper guide and then gently move the left paper guide to th...

Page 67: ...l characters 6 When finished press START START START STOP FUNCTION Setting the Date and Time 1 Press Display shows 2 Press 3 Enter two digits for the day 01 to 31 4 Enter two digits for the month 01 to 12 5 Enter four digits for the year Ex 2000 6 Enter two digits for the hour 00 to 23 and two digits for the minute 00 to 59 7 When finished press Storing and Clearing Auto Dial Numbers 1 Press Displ...

Page 68: ... have all been programmed into one Group Key simply press the Group Key START SPEED DIAL Storing Numbers in Group Keys 1 Press Display shows 2 Press 1 to program a Group Key or 2 to clear a Group Key 3 Press a Group Key one of Rapid Keys 17 G1 to 20 G4 If you are clearing a Group Key go to Step 5 4 Use one or both of the following methods to enter the fax numbers that you want to store in the Grou...

Page 69: ... to scroll backwards press the key 3 When the desired setting appears enter a selection for the setting see below by pressing the number keys 4 After entering a selection the subsequent setting appears To return to the date and time display press Settings FINE RESOLUTION PRIORITY This option sets the default resolution for transmitting documents Press 1 YES to set the default resolution to FINE or...

Page 70: ... A M mode if an answering machine connected to the fax fails to answer before that time Press 2 to turn off the function LANGUAGE SELECT Use this to change the language used in the display reports and lists Press the START key press or until the desired language appears in the display and then press the START key again PBX CONNECTION Use this setting if your fax is connected to a PBX Press 1 to se...

Page 71: to select whether the remaining part of the document will be cut off or printed on a second page Press 1 to cut off the remainder or 2 to have the remainder printed on a second page Printing Lists and Reports 1 Press these keys 2 Press the key to scroll through the lists to scroll backwards press the key 3 When the desired list appears in the display press Activity Report This shows information...

Page 72: ...tridge yield 4 page coverage A4 paper Initial starter cartridge included with fax machine Approx 1 875 pages Replacement cartridge FO 29DC Approx 3 750 pages Drum cartridge yield Initial starter cartridge included with fax machine 20 000 pages ave Replacement cartridge FO 29DR 20 000 pages ave Scanning resolution Fax copy Horizontal 8 pels mm Vertical Standard 3 85 lines mm Fine Halftone 7 7 lines...

Page 73: ...rtical 15 4 lines mm PC Printing 600 dpi enhanced 1 800 dpi Input document size Automatic feeding Width 148 to 216 mm Length 140 to 297 mm Manual feeding Width 148 to 216 mm Length 140 to 1 000 mm Effective Scanning width 210 mm max Effective Printing width 202 mm max Reception modes Fax Tel Tel Fax A M Scanning speed 8 ppm A4 paper Full Dual Access Yes Copy function Single Multi Sort 99 copies pa...

Page 74: ...tric shock and injury to persons including the following Do not disassemble this machine or attempt any procedures not described in this manual Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel This machine must only be connected to a 220 230 V 50 Hz earthed 2 prong outlet Connecting it to any other kind of outlet will damage the machine and invalidate the warranty Do not install or use the machi...

Page 75: ...s on the machine This could create a risk of fire or electric shock If an object falls into the machine that you cannot safely remove unplug the machine and consult a qualified service representative Do not place this machine on an unstable cart stand or table The machine could be seriously damaged if it falls Avoid using a telephone other than a cordless type during an electrical storm There may ...

Page 76: ... toner cartridge nears empty and lights steadily when the toner cartridge needs replacement Display This displays messages and prompts during operation and programming A Look at the Operation Panel 1 2 3 4 SPEED DIAL REDIAL SPEAKER SEARCH R ABC 2 1 DEF 3 JKL 5 4 GHI MNO 6 TUV 8 7 PQRS WXYZ 9 0 PAPER CHECK TONER EMPTY PC IN USE LINE IN USE REDUCTION ENLARGEMENT COPY HELP START STOP TEL FAX A M FUNC...

Page 77: ...ress these keys to adjust the volume of the speaker when the SPEAKER key has been pressed or the volume of the ringer at all other times The keys can also be used to scroll through FUNCTION key settings BROADCAST key Press this key to send a document to a group of receiving fax machines Rapid Dial Keys Press one of these keys to dial a fax number automatically or send a document as an E mail attac...

Page 78: ...cument At any other time press this key to print out the Help List a quick reference guide to the operation of your fax machine SEARCH R key When dialling press this key to search for an auto dial fax number If you are on a P B X extension press this key to transfer a call SPEAKER key Press this key to listen to the line and fax tones through the speaker when faxing a document Note This is not a s...

Page 79: ...tray Operation manual Paper tray Original document support Handset Handset cord Toner cartridge Drum cartridge comes pre installed in machine Before setting up make sure you have all of the following items If any are missing contact your dealer or retailer Sharp Laser Multifunction CD ROM ...

Page 80: ...conditioners Keep dust away from the machine Keep the area around the machine clear About condensation If the machine is moved from a cold to a warm place it is possible that condensation may form on the scanning glass preventing proper scanning of documents for transmission To remove the condensation turn on the power and wait approximately two hours before using the machine ...

Page 81: ... it on the handset rest The ends of the handset cord are identical so they will go into either socket Make sure the handset cord goes into the socket marked with a handset symbol on the side of the machine Use the handset to make ordinary phone calls or to transmit and receive faxes manually ...

Page 82: ...nt and be easily accessable Note If your area experiences a high incidence of lightning or power surges we recommend that you install surge protectors for the power and telephone lines Surge protectors can be purchased at most telephone specialty stores The machine does not have a power on off switch so the power is turned on and off by simply plugging in or unplugging the power cord ...

Page 83: line cord Insert one end of the line cord into the socket on the left side of the machine marked TEL LINE Insert the other end into a wall telephone socket Be sure to insert the line into the TEL LINE socket Do not insert it into the TEL SET socket ...

Page 84: ... the paper tray and document supports Attach the paper tray Attach the original document support Make sure the front side of the support faces you the support should curve slightly toward you Attach the received document tray ...

Page 85: ...ired you can connect an extension phone to the TEL SET socket on the fax To connect an answering machine to your fax see Chapter 6 Answering Machine Connection 1 Remove the seal covering the TEL SET socket 2 Connect the extension phone line to the TEL SET socket ...

Page 86: ...w to install the toner cartridge and prepare the drum cartridge 1 Grasp the print compartment cover at both sides as shown and pull up to open the cover Caution The fusing unit inside the print compartment becomes very hot during operation Do not touch the inside of the compartment or the paper guide on the underside of the print compartment cover The starter toner cartridge included with your fax...

Page 87: ...f protective paper from the cartridge Be careful not to tear the paper nor leave any pieces of paper in the machine 3 Remove the new toner cartridge from its packaging Shake the cartridge side to side four or five times to distribute the toner evenly within the cartridge Carefully remove the band and the cardboard packaging material from the toner cartridge ...

Page 88: facing upwards and insert the cartridge into the print compartment 5 Place your thumb on the centre of the handle where it is marked PUSH and push the handle down and in so that the cartridge fits into place 6 Close the print compartment cover pressing down firmly on each side to make sure it is completely closed ...

Page 89: ...eys 8 Reset the drum counter by pressing the following keys Note This setting is only necessary after you have replaced the drum cartridge not after replacing the toner cartridge Display shows CLR TONER COUNT PRESS START KEY CLR DRUM COUNT PRESS START KEY FUNCTION FUNCTION 9 9 START START Display shows ...

Page 90: ...ts of A4 paper max 80 g m2 in the paper tray Caution Do not use the blank side of paper that has already been printed on 1 Pull out the paper tray extension 3 Pull the paper release lever toward you 2 Fan the paper and then tap the edge against a flat surface to even the stack ...

Page 91: ... paper Printing on the reverse side may result in poor print quality 4 Insert the stack of paper firmly into the tray print side up Make sure that the stack is not higher than the marked line Loading too much paper may cause paper jams and misfeeds If paper remains in the tray take it out and combine it into a single stack with the new paper before adding the new paper 5 Make sure the stack of pap...

Page 92: ...not have already have a parallel cable you can purchase one from your dealer or any computer store Make sure the cable is IEEE 1284 compliant We recommend a shielded cable no longer than two meters 1 Make sure your computer is turned off and the fax machine is unplugged To enable the multifunction features of your fax connect it to your computer and install the Multifunction software ...

Page 93: ...ion fax does not operate well when scanning or printing you may need to change the setting In this case select ECP PS2 Bi directional or an equivalent parallel port mode 3 Connect the other end of the cable to the parallel port on the back of your computer 2 Connect one end of the cable to the port on the Sharp Laser Multifunction fax Snap the clips on each side of the port onto the cable connecto...

Page 94: ...e dialog box If you have other multifunction device software installed in your computer uninstall that software before installing the Sharp Laser Multifunction software Otherwise the Sharp Laser Multifunction software may not function correctly 1 Insert the Sharp Laser Multifunction CD into your computer s CD ROM drive 2 If the Sharp Laser Multifunction Setup window appears click Next in the windo...

Page 95: ...n the Online Guide on the CD To open the guide follow these steps 1 Insert the Sharp Laser Multifunction CD into your CD ROM drive If the Sharp Laser Multifunction Setup window appears click Cancel and then Exit Setup to close the window 2 Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar point to Programs and then point to Sharp Laser Multifunction Click Online Guide ...

Page 96: ...ess these keys The display will show ENTRY MODE PRESS OR 3 FUNCTION 2 1 5 4 6 8 7 9 0 3 Once you enter this information it will automatically appear at the top of each fax page you send Before you can begin using your fax machine you must enter your name and fax telephone number You also need to set the date and time ...

Page 97: ...key to backspace and clear the mistake 5 Press the START key to enter the fax number in memory The display will show 3 Press the START key The display will show 2 Press the key twice Or the UP key twice The display will show Example OWN NUMBER SET PRESS START KEY ENTER FAX ENTER YOUR NAME START START 4 2 4 4 4 1 1 Note When scrolling through the settings you can press the UP key in place of the ke...

Page 98: ...The SPEAKER key moves the cursor forward and the SEARCH R key moves the cursor backward To clear a mistake press the SPEED DIAL key To change case press the REDIAL key To select one of the following symbols press the key or the key repeatedly _ Note Characters particular to the selected display language will appear at the end of the symbol list A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z S...

Page 99: ...Entering Your Name and Fax Number 95 1 Installation 7 Press the START key The display will show 8 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display SECURITY SELECT 1 ON 2 OFF STOP START ...

Page 100: ...ime by pressing the keys on the operation panel as shown below 2 Press these keys The display will show 3 key key FUNCTION key STOP key START key ENTRY MODE PRESS OR DATE TIME SET PRESS START KEY 3 FUNCTION 2 1 5 4 6 8 7 9 0 3 The date and time appear in the display and are printed at the top of every page you fax ...

Page 101: ...1 to 31 To correct a mistake press the SPEED DIAL key to move the cursor back to the mistake and then enter the correct number 5 Enter a two digit number for the month 01 for January 02 for February 12 for December etc Example January Example the 5th 6 Enter the year four digits Example 2000 3 Press the START key The currently set date will appear in the display START 0 1 0 5 2 0 0 0 0 5 9 2 ...

Page 102: ...he START key to start the clock The display will show 9 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display START STOP JUNK FAX MODE 1 SET 2 CLEAR Note The time setting will change automatically at the beginning and end of summertime ...

Page 103: ...omatically answer all calls and receive incoming faxes TEL FAX mode This mode is convenient for receiving both faxes and voice calls When a call comes in the fax will detect whether it is a voice call including manually dialled fax transmissions or an automatically dialled fax If it is a voice call the fax will make a special ringing sound to alert you to answer If it is an automatically dialled f...

Page 104: ...2 1 3 5 4 6 8 7 9 0 Setting the reception mode Press the RECEPTION MODE key until the arrow in the display points to the desired mode To select TEL FAX mode press the RECEPTION MODE key until two arrows point to TEL and FAX simultaneously For more information on receiving faxes in TEL TEL FAX and FAX modes see Chapter 3 Receiving Documents For more information on using A M mode see Chapter 6 Answe...

Page 105: ...ultifunction Desktop software is running and Fax Receive is selected a checkmark appears next to it in the Fax menu of the Multifunction Desktop If not the fax machine will receive faxes Selecting the receiving unit If you have connected the fax machine to a computer and installed the Multifunction software you can choose whether to have incoming faxes received to the fax machine or the computer T...

Page 106: ... sure that Fax Receive is selected in the Fax menu of the Multifunction Desktop To receive a fax after picking up the handset press the START key in this case the fax machine will receive the fax 5 If you selected reception to the computer but also want to receive voice messages in an answering machine connected to the fax machine as explained in Chapter 6 set the reception mode of the fax machine...

Page 107: ...ust the volume of the speaker and ringer using the UP and DOWN keys 2 Press the UP or DOWN key Display 29 JAN 01 44 SPEAKER LOW 29 JAN 01 44 SPEAKER MIDDLE 29 JAN 01 44 SPEAKER HIGH Speaker 1 Press the SPEAKER key DOWN key UP key or DOWN UP SPEAKER 2 1 5 4 6 8 7 9 0 3 ...

Page 108: ...UP or DOWN key Make sure the SPEAKER key has not been pressed The ringer will ring once at the selected level and then the date and time will reappear in the display 2 If you selected RINGER OFF OK press the START key Display 29 JAN 01 44 RINGER LOW 29 JAN 01 44 RINGER MIDDLE 29 JAN 01 44 RINGER HIGH RINGER OFF OK OK PRESS START or DOWN UP START ...

Page 109: ... Press 1 YES if the machine is connected to a PBX Press 2 NO if it is connected to a regular public line 3 Set the mode for connecting calls from the PBX to an outside line Enter 1 for EARTH 2 for FLASH or 3 for ID Refer to your PBX manual or consult your supplier for the correct setting If you selected EARTH or FLASH go directly to Step 6 PBX CONNECTION 1 YES 2 NO FUNCTION 4 or YES NO 1 2 3 1 2 E...

Page 110: ...public line when Rapid Key or Speed Dialling is used Do not store it as part of the number when storing a Rapid Key or Speed Dialling number 6 START 6 Set the recall mode REGISTER RECALL used for special functions of some PTT s e g Germany Sweden as well as transferring calls on a PBX Press 1 for EARTH 2 for FLASH or 3 for NO OPERATION Refer to your PBX manual or consult your supplier for the corr...

Page 111: ...operation panel as follows 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press the START key 4 Press the START key The machine will beep and the display will change to the selected language 5 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display 3 Press the or key until the desired language appears in the display START or START STOP LANGUAGE SELECT PRESS START KEY FUNCTION 4 ...

Page 112: ... size and weight of documents that you can load in the document feeder depend on whether you load one page at a time or several pages at once Loading one page at a time Loading several pages at once Minimum size Maximum size Minimum weight Maximum weight Minimum size Maximum size Minimum weight Maximum weight 140 mm 148 mm 52 g m ...

Page 113: ...ts must be dry before they pass through the document feeder All clips staples and pins must be removed from documents before loading in the feeder If these are not removed they may damage the machine Documents which are patched taped torn smaller than the minimum size carbon backed easily smudged or have a slick coated surface should be photocopied and the copy loaded in the feeder 4 mm 4 mm 5 mm ...

Page 114: will automatically feed into the machine starting from the bottom page If you need to send or copy more than 20 pages place the additional pages gently and carefully in the feeder just before the last page is scanned Do not try to force them in as this may cause double feeding or jamming If your document consists of several large or thick pages which must be loaded one at a time insert each pag...

Page 115: ...iving machine as explained in Sending a Fax by Normal Dialling which appears later in this section Removing a document from the feeder Important Do not try to remove a document without opening the operation panel This may damage the feeder mechanism 1 Grasp the panel release and pull up to open the operation panel RESOLUTION If you need to remove a document from the feeder open the operation panel...

Page 116: ...Loading the Document 112 3 Close the operation panel making sure it clicks into place 2 Remove the document ...

Page 117: ...dinary documents This setting gives you the fastest and most economical transmission FINE Use FINE for documents containing small letters or fine drawings SUPER FINE Use SUPER FINE for documents containing very small letters or very fine drawings HALF TONE Use HALF TONE for photographs and illustrations The original will be reproduced in 64 shades of gray AUTO Use AUTO for normal documents DARK Us...

Page 118: the contrast setting AUTO will appear next to each resolution setting The second time you move through the list the contrast setting DARK will appear Note In order to transmit in SUPER FINE resolution the receiving fax machine must also have that resolution If it doesn t your machine will auto matically step down to the next best available setting 29 JAN 01 44 STANDARD AUTO 29 JAN 01 44 FINE AU...

Page 119: ...ange the default resolution for faxing documents to FINE Follow the steps below 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 YES to set the default resolution to FINE or 2 NO to set it to STANDARD 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display FINE PRIORITY 1 YES 2 NO 4 FUNCTION or YES NO 1 2 STOP ...

Page 120: ...ou must pick up the handset to talk Normal Dialling allows you to listen to the line and make sure the other fax machine is responding 1 Load the document s Note If desired you can load the document after dialling in Step 3 below SEND READY appears in the display Set the resolution and or contrast if desired 2 Pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER key Listen for the dial tone 3 Dial the number ...

Page 121: ...p the handset to speak with them This causes the receiving machine to issue a reception tone Using the REDIAL key You can press the REDIAL key to redial the last number dialled To send a document press the START key when you hear the fax tone after the connection is established Note that the speaker is automatically activated when you press the REDIAL key 5 When you hear the reception tone press t...

Page 122: ...led numbers in Rapid Keys 20 Rapid Keys and 100 Speed Dial numbers are available You can also store an area code or access code in a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number You can use a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number to send a fax as an E mail attachment to an E mail address To program a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number for E mail see Chapter 5 Using the Multifunc tion Control Panel of your online operation...

Page 123: number enter the desired 2 digit number from 00 to 99 by pressing the number keys 4 Enter the fax or voice number by pressing the number keys To clear a mistake press the SPEED DIAL key If a pause is required between any of the digits to access a special service or an outside line press the REDIAL key The pause will appear as a hyphen Several pauses can be entered in a row Example Speed Dial 01...

Page 124: ...77 77 To clear a mistake press the SPEED DIAL key To enter two letters in succession that require the same key press the SPEAKER key after entering the first letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z SPACE START SPEAKER If you are on a PBX do not enter the access code for the public line If the number is within your PBX enter an R before the number Press the SEARCH R key to enter ...

Page 125: ...procedure In Step 8 press 1 to set the number as a Chain Dialling number 8 Press 1 if the number programmed is an area code or access code to be used for Chain Dialling see Chain Dialling for area and access codes below Press 2 or START if the number is a regular fax or voice number Step 3 or or ON OFF 1 2 STOP 7 Press the START key START To select one of the following symbols press the key or the...

Page 126: ...code or access code using a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number set for Chain Dialling the fax machine will wait for you to dial the remainder of the number you can dial the remainder of the number by pressing a Rapid Key by pressing the Speed Dial key and entering a Speed Dial number or by pressing numeric keys Note that the remainder of the number should not be set as a Chain Dial number if programme...

Page 127: ...mber previously stored repeat the programming procedure Select the Rapid Key or Speed Dial number for which you want to make changes in Step 3 and then change the number and or name when they appear in the display in Steps 4 and 6 Note You cannot clear a number if it is used in a timer operation or is included in a Group Key First clear the number from the operation or group then clear the Rapid K...

Page 128: ...pages can be held if any pages are scanned using fine or halftone resolution The maximum number of transmission jobs that can be held at once is 30 The amount of memory currently occupied appears as a percentage M 00 in the display If the memory becomes full If the memory becomes full while a document is being scanned MEMORY FULL will appear in the display Press the START key or the STOP key as fo...

Page 129: ...dial has been programmed in a Rapid Key you can dial it by pressing the Rapid Key 1 Load the document s SEND READY appears in the display Set the resolution and or contrast if desired Example RESOLUTION 01 02 03 If you do not press the START key or the STOP key within one minute the transmission will be cancelled and the pages already scanned cleared from memory You will need to retransmit all pag...

Page 130: ...DIAL key and then enter the Speed Dial number by pressing the numeric keys To enter numbers 1 through 9 first enter 0 and then the number Example 3 Check the display If the name or number shown is correct press the START key If not press the STOP key and then repeat Step 2 SPEED DIAL 0 9 START RESOLUTION Direct Keypad Dialling You can also enter a full number with the number keys and then press th...

Page 131: the resolution and or contrast if desired 2 Enter the number of the receiving machine by pressing the numeric keys If a pause is required between any of the digits to access a special service or an outside line press the REDIAL key The pause will appear as a hyphen Several pauses can be entered in a row 3 Check the display If the number of the receiving machine shown is correct press the START ...

Page 132: ...e display Set the resolution and or contrast if desired 4 Enter the first letter of the stored name by pressing the appropriate number key the key below the marked letter one or more times until the letter appears in the display If the name begins with a special character or number press 1 If you don t remember the first letter go to Step 5 you will scroll through the list from the beginning If a ...

Page 133: ...ocument is transmitted Automatic redialling If you use automatic dialling including Direct Keypad Dialling and the line is busy the fax machine will automatically redial the number The fax machine will make up to two redialling attempts at an interval of five minutes To stop automatic dialling cancel the job as explained in Checking and cancelling transmission jobs in this chapter Recall interval ...

Page 134: ...of automatic redialling attemps made when the line is busy Under certain conditions for example if a person answers the call on a telephone automatic redialling may stop before the set number of redialling attempts are made 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Enter a 2 digit number from 00 to 10 for the maximum number of redial attempts 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time di...

Page 135: ...en information on the first job 2 Press the UP key or the DOWN key to scroll through the list of jobs Note You can also scroll with the or key The display will show the 2 digit memory number assigned to the transmission the time the transmission was set and status of the job alternating with the name or number of the receiving party To cancel a job press the START key twice while the job appears i...

Page 136: ...inting at the receiving end This function is called Error Correction Mode ECM ECM is effective for both transmissions and receptions and is only effective when the other fax machine also has ECM 1 Press these keys The display will show ECM MODE 1 YES 2 NO 2 Press 1 to turn on ECM or 2 to turn it off 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display 4 FUNCTION or YES NO 1 2 STOP ...

Page 137: is still in progress This function is called Quick Online If desired you can turn off Quick Online and have the fax machine wait until all pages have been scanned before dialling 1 Press these keys The display will show QUICK ON LINE 1 YES 2 NO 2 Press 1 to turn on Quick Online or 2 to turn it off 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display STOP or YES NO 1 2 4 FUNCTION ...

Page 138: ...tect a fax tone this means that the call is a voice call or manually dialled fax it will make a ringing sound called pseudo ringing for 15 seconds to alert you to answer If you don t answer within this time your fax will send a fax tone to the other machine to allow the calling party to send a fax manually if they desire Note Only the fax will alert you to voice calls or manually dialled faxes by ...

Page 139: ...hange the duration of pseudo ringing in Tel Fax mode 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Enter a number as follows for the desired duration 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display 4 3 1 2 15 seconds 30 seconds 60 seconds 120 seconds STOP PSEUDO RING DUR 1 15 SECONDS 4 FUNCTION ...

Page 140: ...nd receive incoming faxes 1 ring Fax reception If you pick up the handset before the machine answers you can talk to the other party and or receive a document as explained in Using TEL mode Using FAX Mode FAX TEL A M RECEPTION MODE To select FAX mode press the RECEPTION MODE key until the arrow in the display points to FAX ...

Page 141: 1 to 5 The display will briefly show your selection and then 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display Example 3 rings NUMBER OF RINGS ENTER 1 5 1 RECALL INTERVAL ENTER 01 15 05 FUNCTION 4 3 STOP Received document tray Note The received document outlet has a maximum capacity of 100 sheets To prevent the outlet from becoming obstructed which will in turn cause paper jams be sur...

Page 142: ...your fax will automatically receive voice and fax messages if you have connected an answering machine to the fax machine See Chapter 6 for more details RECEPTION MODE To select A M mode press the RECEPTION MODE key until the arrow in the display points to A M ...

Page 143: ...nswer all calls by picking up the fax machine s handset or an extension phone connected to the same line Answering with the fax s handset Beep Note If you have set the Fax Signal Receive setting to NO press the START key to begin reception RECEIVING FAX TEL A M 1 When the fax machine rings pick up the handset RECEPTION MODE To select TEL mode press the RECEPTION MODE key until the arrow in the dis...

Page 144: ...king Press your START key before the sender presses their Start key When RECEIVING appears in the display hang up Answering with an extension phone 1 Answer the extension phone when it rings 2 If you hear a soft fax tone wait until your fax responds the extension phone will go dead then hang up Beep Phone goes dead RECEIVING START ...

Page 145: ... accept the signal to begin reception 5 if a document is loaded in its feeder If you have set the Fax Signal Receive setting to NO press 5 and on the extension phone to begin reception Changing the number for remote fax activation If desired you can use a number other than 5 to activate fax reception from an extension telephone You can select any number from 0 to 9 1 Press these keys The display w...

Page 146: ...above TEL FAX REMOTE NUMBER This will ensure that the fax never mistakenly attempts to begin reception if it detects a signal similar to the TEL FAX REMOTE NUMBER while you are talking on an extension phone 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 to turn on detection of the TEL FAX REMOTE NUMBER or 2 to turn it off 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display REMOTE RECEP...

Page 147: ...em to send documents on the same line you must turn this function off in order to prevent your fax from mistakenly attempting to receive documents from the computer fax modem Follow the steps below to change the setting 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 to turn on the function or 2 to turn it off 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display FAX SIGNAL RX 1 YES 2 NO ...

Page 148: ...printing paper the remainder will be printed on a second page In this case the cut off point may occur in the middle of a line Automatic reduction may not be possible if the received document is too large contains too many fine graphics or images or is sent at high resolution In this case the remainder of the document will be printed on a second page 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Pres...

Page 149: ...ents will automatically print out If you received documents in memory because the fax ran out of paper be sure to add paper which is the same size as the paper previously used If not the document print out size may not match the size of the printing paper Caution When documents are stored in memory do not turn the power off This will erase all of the contents If documents received in memory are lo...

Page 150: ...ake copies Single and multiple copies up to 99 per original can be made enabling your fax to double as a convenience office copier 1 Load the document s face down Maximum of 20 pages SEND READY appears in the display MULTIPLE COPIES Not sorted If you want to make multiple copies of the original or each original enter the number of copies per original A B C A B C A B C A B C C C C B B B A A A Origi...

Page 151: ...llows 100 no reduction enlargement AUTO auto reduction to fit the size of the printing paper 94 88 73 50 200 150 125 Note The enlargement reduction setting is effective for one time only Note If you place a large number of originals in the feeder the memory may become full before all of them can be scanned MEMORY IS FULL will appear in the display If this happens press the START key to copy the or...

Page 152: ... the remainder To change the setting follow the steps below 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 to set copy cut off to YES the remaining part of the document will not be printed or 2 to set copy cut off to NO the remaining part will be printed on a second page The display briefly shows your selection and then 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display COPY CUT OFF 1...

Page 153: ...1 Pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER key Listen for the dial tone 2 Dial the number using one of the following methods Normal Dialling Enter the full telephone number with the numeric keys Rapid Key Dialling Press the appropriate Rapid Key Speed Dialling Press the SPEED DIAL key and enter the 2 digit Speed Dial number with the numeric keys 3 Speak with the other party when they answer If you...

Page 154: ...iately after you answer Note Do not enter the code to activate fax recep tion 5 Searching for an auto dial number You can use the SEARCH R key to search for a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number First search for the number as described in Searching for an auto dial number in Sending a Fax by Automatic Dialling in Chapter 2 then pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER key The number will be dialled aut...

Page 155: ...umber on the same PBX without operator assistance Note Make sure that the correct PBX settings have been selected as explained in PBX Settings in Chapter 1 Making enquiry calls 1 During the telephone conversation press the SEARCH R key This puts the other party on hold 2 When you hear the dial tone dial the number of the third party for the enquiry call 3 When you have finished the enquiry call yo...

Page 156: ...arty on hold 2 When you hear the dial tone dial the number to which you want to transfer the call When the other party answers hang up and the call will be transferred If the other party does not answer press the SEARCH R key again to return to the original caller SEARCH R ABC 2 1 DEF 3 JKL 5 4 GHI MNO 6 TUV 8 7 PQRS WXYZ 9 0 ...

Page 157: ... you to receive both voice messages and faxes when you are out 1 Remove the seal covering the TEL SET socket To answering machine s telephoneline socket 2 Connect the answering machine s telephone line socket to the TEL SET socket If desired you can connect an extension phone to your answering machine s extension phone socket Make sure the TEL LINE socket is connected to the wall socket ...

Page 158: ...t is advisable to keep the length of the message under 10 seconds If it is too long you may have difficulty receiving faxes sent by automatic dialling If your outgoing message must be longer than 10 seconds leave a pause of about four seconds at the beginning of the message This will give your fax a chance to detect fax tones sent when automatic dialling is used Using the Answering Machine Connect...

Page 159: ...our fax will quietly monitor the line If your fax detects a fax tone or a duration of silence greater than four seconds it will take over the line and begin reception If the connection is not good or there is noise on the line the answering machine and or fax machine may not respond properly The call counter on your answering machine may indicate that voice messages were received when only fax mes...

Page 160: ... depending on the disconnect time of your answering machine Some answering machines may have unusually fast disconnect times equal to or very slightly less than 4 seconds which means that the answering machine may disconnect the line before fax reception can begin In this case try a Quiet Detect Time setting of about 3 seconds If the fax machine is interrupting callers before they can leave a mess...

Page 161: ...the setting follow the steps below 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Enter a number from 01 to 10 or enter 00 to turn off the function Example QUIET DETECT TM ENTER 00 10 06 4 FUNCTION 0 4 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display STOP ...

Page 162: ...not turned on This function has been turned off at the factory If you want to turn it on follow the steps below Note When this function is turned on make sure that the answering machine is set to answer on 4 rings or less If it isn t the fax will always answer first preventing callers from leaving voice messages 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 to turn on the function or 2 to tur...

Page 163: the fax to take over the line Quiet Detect Start Timing has been turned off at the factory If you want to use this function turn it on by entering a 2 digit number equal to the desired number of seconds of the delay As general guide the delay time should be slightly longer than the pause before the outgoing message 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Enter a 2 digit number from 01 to 15 ...

Page 164: ...cally transmitted to each location You can only use Rapid Keys or Speed Dial numbers to dial the numbers of the receiving machines 1 Load the document s SEND READY will appear in the display 2 Press the BROADCAST key The display will show 3 Dial the receiving machines using one or more of the following methods Press one or more Rapid Keys Enter one or more Speed Dial numbers with the numeric keys ...

Page 165: ...ESOLUTION PRESS RESO KEY 5 Press the START key Transmission begins A Transaction Report is automatically printed out after Broadcasting is completed Check the Note column of the report to see if any of the locations are marked Busy or have a communication error code If so send the document to those locations again START START RESOLUTION ...

Page 166: ... Key see Storing numbers in Group Keys which follows you can perform the broadcasting operation using the following simplified procedure 1 Load the document s SEND READY will appear in the display If desired adjust the resolution and or contrast 2 Press the appropriate Group Key Transmission will begin RESOLUTION 19 G3 18 G2 17 G1 Example ...

Page 167: in Group Keys Group Keys allow you to dial a group of fax numbers by simply pressing the appropriate Group Key once To store a group of numbers in a Group Key follow the steps below Rapid Keys 17 G1 through 20 G4 can be used as Group Keys Note that one key cannot be simultaneously programmed as both a Group Key and a Rapid Key Up to 30 numbers can be stored in one Group Key Only Rapid Key and S...

Page 168: ...up Key or press the STOP key repeatedly until you return to the date and time display Step 3 or 4 Enter fax numbers using one or both of the following methods Press one or more Rapid Keys Enter one or more Speed Dial numbers with the numeric keys Example 0 1 2 4 START STOP 01 02 03 ...

Page 169: ...nction Once the cover sheet function is turned on cover sheets will be included with all transmissions until you turn it off 1 Press these keys The display will show You can select a message For the recipient s name to appear you must dial using a Speed Dial or Rapid Key number with the name programmed Your name and number must be programmed as explained in Chapter 1 COVER SHEET MODE 1 YES 2 NO FU...

Page 170: ... is turned on you can also select a message which will appear as a header at the top of the cover sheet Note that the message selection is only effective for one transmission 1 Load the document s The document must be loaded before a message can be selected The cover sheet function must be turned on 2 Press these keys The display will show AUTO PRINT OUT 1 YES 2 NO COVER SHEET HEAD 1 URGENT The me...

Page 171: by entering a number from 1 to 4 1 URGENT 2 IMPORTANT 3 CONFIDENTIAL 4 PLS DISTRIBUTE Example 4 Dial the receiving machine and transmit the document Note To cancel a header message selection press the STOP key or remove the document from the feeder 1 ...

Page 172: ...e recipient to check for missing pages 1 Load the document s The document must be loaded before batch page numbering can be set 2 Press these keys The display will show 3 Enter the total number of pages 01 to 99 by pressing the number keys If the number is less than 10 enter a 0 before the number If you are sending a cover sheet do not include it in the total number of pages the number will be adj...

Page 173: ...tch number entry remove the document from the feeder or press the STOP key If the number of pages actually transmitted does not coincide with the batch number entered the alarm will sound and PAGE COUNT ERROR will appear in the display PAGE E will also appear in the NOTE column of the Transaction Report if it has been set to print out ...

Page 174: ...ed in the procedure that follows 1 Press these keys The display will show Entering Anti Junk numbers Enter or clear a number in the Anti Junk List as shown below Up to five numbers can be entered To clear a number from the Anti Junk Number List you need to know the 1 digit number which identifies it If you have forgotten this number print out the Anti Junk Number List as explained in Chapter 8 2 P...

Page 175: ...the fax number you want to clear and go to Step 5 4 Enter the fax number 6 Return to Step 3 to enter or clear another fax number or press the STOP key to return to the date and time display 5 Press the START key Step 3 or Example Example 2 Press 1 to enter a number in the Anti Junk Number List or 2 to clear a number from the list 1 Press these keys The display will show FUNCTION 3 JUNK FAX MODE 1 ...

Page 176: ...itiates the transmission You can use your fax machine to both poll and be polled by others To use the polling function you must first set Rapid Key 16 POLL for use as a polling key 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 to turn on the function or 2 to turn it off 4 FUNCTION or YES NO 1 2 POLLING 1 YES 2 NO 3 Press the STOP key to return to the date and time display STOP Note When Rapid...

Page 177: Pick up the handset or press the SPEAKER key and press a Rapid Dial Key Wait for the fax answerback tone Press the SPEED DIAL key and enter a 2 digit Speed Dial number Enter the full number using the numeric keys 2 Press Rapid Key 16 POLL If you used the handset replace it when POLLING appears in the display Reception will begin Example Requesting transmission ABC 2 1 DEF 3 JKL 5 4 GHI MNO 6 T...

Page 178: ...calls your fax machine and activates polling You can choose whether to allow polling only once or an unlimited number of times In the latter case your fax machine can be used as an electronic bulletin board Only one document can be stored at a time for memory polling If you allow polling only once the document will be automatically cleared from memory after polling If you allow polling an unlimite...

Page 179: ...ment is scanned into memory and your fax goes on polling standby 1 or ONCE REPEAT 1 2 START Clearing a document To clear a memory poll document from memory follow the steps below 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 2 to select CLEAR 3 Press the START key to clear the document and then the STOP key to return to the date and time display MEMORY POLL MODE 1 SET 2 CLEAR 8 FUNCTION START 2...

Page 180: ...of permitted fax numbers called passcode numbers The number of the polling fax must also be correctly programmed into itself for identification To use Polling Security follow the steps below to turn the function on and then enter permitted numbers as shown on the following page 1 Press these keys The display will show 2 Press 1 to turn polling security on or 2 to turn it off 3 Press the START key ...

Page 181: ... a number 3 Storing Enter a 2 digit number from 01 to 10 This number identifies the fax number you will store in the next step Clearing Enter the number which identifies the fax number you want to clear and go to Step 5 Example 4 Enter the fax number Example 5 Press the START key 6 Return to Step 3 to enter or clear another number or press STOP to return to the date and time display Step 3 or 3 FU...

Page 182: ...on to take advantage of lower off peak tele phone rates without having to be there when the operation is per formed Note Only a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number can be used to dial the receiving machine Full numbers cannot be used Setting a timer operation 1 If this is a transmission load the document 3 Press 1 to select SET 4 Press 1 to set a transmission operation SEND MODE or 2 to set a polling o...

Page 183: ...1 9 Press the START key START 0 1 6 Enter a 1 digit number for the day of the operation skip this step if the operation will be performed within the next 24 hours 0 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday START 0 5 Enter the time at which you want the operation to take place in 24 hour format 2 digits for the hour and 2 digits for the minute Example 9 25 0 5 9 2 Exampl...

Page 184: ...d to the timer job you want to cancel If you don t remember the number print out the Timer List as explained in Chapter 8 4 Press the START key and then the STOP key 11 Press the START key If this is a transmission the document is scanned into memory START TIMER MODE 1 SET 2 CLEAR 1 FUNCTION 2 1 Example START STOP 10 Adjust the resolution and or contrast if desired skip to the next step if you don...

Page 185: ...UNCTION key and 2 The display will show 2 Press the key or the key until the desired list appears in the display 3 Press the START key to print the list Activity Report This report shows information on your most recently performed send and receive operations a combined maximum of 30 operations can appear The report is divided into two parts the TRANSMISSIONS ACTIVITY REPORT which shows information...

Page 186: ...e time at which transmission reception started TX RX TIME Total time taken for transmission reception PAGES Number of pages transmitted received NOTE One of the following notes will appear under NOTE in the report to indicate whether the transaction was successful and if not the reason for the failure OK Transmission reception was successful P FAIL A power failure prevented the transaction JAM The...

Page 187: ...cancelled because the STOP key was pressed no document was in the feeder or the other machine requested transmission using a function which your fax machine does not have If you were attempting to fax make sure a document is in the feeder If you were receiving contact the faxing party to see how they are trying to send to you 2 Press 1 to turn on automatic print out or 2 to turn it off 3 Press the...

Page 188: ... number as entered in the machine and a sample of the header printed at the top of every page you transmit HEADER PRINT Option Setting List This list shows the current status of the option settings Junk Fax Number List This list shows the numbers that are blocked by the Anti Junk function Group List This list shows the fax numbers that have been programmed into each Group Key Help List This list p...

Page 189: error occurs The same headings appear in the Transaction Report as in the Activity Report See Activity Report in this chapter for an explanation of the headings The Transaction report cannot be printed on demand If desired you can change the condition under which a report is printed out Follow the steps below 1 Press these keys The display will show TRANSACTION LIST 1 ALWAYS PRINT 4 FUNCTION Th...

Page 190: ...g ALWAYS PRINT A report will be printed after each transmission reception or error ERR TIMER MEM A report will be printed after an error timer operation or memory transmission SEND ONLY A report will be printed after each transmission NEVER PRINT A report will never be printed ERROR ONLY A report will be printed only when an error occurs 4 5 3 1 2 ...

Page 191: ...up and wipe the scanning glass rollers and white backplate with a soft cloth Make sure that all dirt and stains such as correcting fluid are removed as dirts and stains will cause vertical lines on transmitted images and copies The housing Wipe the external parts and surface of the machine with a dry cloth Caution Do not use benzene or thinner These solvents may damage or dis color the machine Whi...

Page 192: ...harp FO 29DC toner cartridge 1 Grasp the print compartment cover at both sides as shown and pull up to open the cover Caution The fusing unit inside the print compartment becomes very hot during operation Do not touch the inside of the compartment or the paper guide on the underside of the print compartment cover 2 Grasp the finger hold on the toner cartridge handle where it is marked PUSH and pul...

Page 193: ...ges printed in the display by pressing the following sequence of keys When finished press the STOP key to return to the date and time display Replace the drum cartridge with the following cartridge Sharp FO 29DR drum cartridge 1 Grasp the print compartment cover at both sides as shown and pull up to open the cover Caution The fusing unit inside the print compartment becomes very hot during operati...

Page 194: ...pull the handle out Rehold the handle and pull the toner cartridge out of the compartment Place the toner cartridge on a sheet of paper on a level surface 3 Grasp the tabs on the drum cartridge handle and gently pull the cartridge out of the machine 4 Remove the new drum cartridge from its packaging ...

Page 195: ...the runners on the sides of the compartment 6 Gently pull the paper tab to remove the black sheet of protective paper from the drum cartridge Be careful not the tear the paper or leave any pieces of paper in the machine 7 Replace the toner cartridge and reset the drum counter Refer to Installing the Toner Cartridge in Chapter 1 ...

Page 196: ...he fusing unit inside the print compartment becomes very hot during operation Do not touch the inside of the compartment or the paper guide on the underside of the print compartment cover 2 Grasp the finger hold on the toner cartridge handle where it is marked PUSH and pull the handle out Rehold the handle and pull the toner cartridge out of the compartment Place the toner cartridge on a sheet of ...

Page 197: ...on the sides of the compartment 7 Replace the toner cartridge and close the print compartment cover Refer to Installing the Toner Cartridge in Chapter 1 5 Gently wipe the surface of the drum with the rolled up paper to remove any particles of toner caked on the drum Do not let the drum surface come into contact with anything other than the rolled up paper Fingerprints water alcohol and other solve...

Page 198: ...rd from the TEL LINE socket to the wall socket should be no longer than two meters Make sure there are no modem devices sharing the same telephone line Check with the other party to make sure their fax machine is functioning properly Have your telephone line checked for line noise Try connecting the fax machine to a different telephone line If the problem still occurs your fax machine may need ser...

Page 199: ...he receiving machine has paper Make sure that the telephone line cord is plugged into the TEL LINE socket and not the TEL SET socket If the receiving machine is in manual mode with no attendant reception will not be possible Check the display for error messages Pick up the handset and check for a dial tone Nothing is printed at the receiving end Make sure that the document for transmission is plac...

Page 200: ...lity The toner cartridge may need replacement Received images are distorted If the sending machine has Error Correction Mode make sure this feature is turned on in both fax machines see Error Correction Mode in Chapter 2 If Error Correction Mode is turned off noise on the telephone line may cause distortion Have the other party try sending the document again The drum cartridge may be damaged Try a...

Page 201: ...s set to A M Make sure your fax machine s TEL LINE socket is connected to the wall socket Make sure your fax machine s TEL SET socket is connected to your answering machine s telephone line socket not the answering machine s extension phone socket Make sure your answering machine s outgoing message is under 10 seconds Make sure that the Quiet Detect Time setting is set to 6 seconds see Chapter 6 ...

Page 202: ...or copying Check the size and weight of the document see Transmittable Documents in Chapter 2 Voice calls taken on an extension phone are interrupted by the fax The fax may interrupt during a voice call if the reception mode is set to A M To prevent interruption on a tone dial extension phone press any three keys on the extension phone after answering Note Do not enter the code to activate fax rec...

Page 203: ...nd pull up to open the cover Caution The fusing unit inside the print compartment becomes very hot during operation Do not touch the inside of the compartment or the paper guide on the underside of the print compartment cover 2 Use a ballpoint pen to press the RESET button Note Pressing the RESET button clears any documents that are stored in memory 3 Close the print compartment cover pressing dow...

Page 204: ... Press down firmly on both sides of the print compartment cover to close it DOCUMENT JAMMED The original document is jammed See the following section Clearing Paper Jams FUNCTION MODE The FUNCTION key has been pressed GRP SPACE FULL This appears if you attempt to program a Group Key when all Group Keys have already been programmed MEMORY IS FULL The memory is full This may occur during fax recepti...

Page 205: ...ou to dial OUT OF PAPER You are out of printing paper or the paper release lever is open Load paper as explained in Loading Printing Paper in Chapter 1 PAPER JAMMED The printing paper is jammed See the following section Clearing Paper Jams REPLACE TONER The toner cartridge must be replaced SEARCH DIAL The SEARCH R key has been pressed Press or to search for an automatic dialling number or press th...

Page 206: sent is completed This message may also appear if faxes have been received to memory due to a printing problem In this case resolve the problem so that printing can take place and free memory Audible signals Continuous tone 1 second Indicates the end of transmission reception or copying 3 seconds Indicates incomplete transmission reception or copying Rapid intermittent tone 35 seconds 0 7 seco...

Page 207: ...ars in the display first try pressing the START key If the document doesn t feed out open the operation panel and remove it Important Do not try to remove a document without opening the operation panel This may damage the feeder mechanism 1 Open the operation panel by grasping the panel release and pulling up 3 Close the operation panel making sure it clicks into place 2 Remove the document ...

Page 208: ...y continue with the following steps 3 Grasp the print compartment cover at both sides as shown and pull up to open the cover Caution The fusing unit inside the print compartment becomes very hot during operation Be careful not to touch the inside of the compartment Clearing jammed printing paper 1 If most of the jammed page is protruding from the back of the fax pull the paper release lever toward...

Page 209: ...hold the handle and pull the toner cartridge out of the compartment Place the toner cartridge on a sheet of paper on a level surface 6 Wrap the drum cartridge in a large sheet of paper as shown at right so that the green drum section is shielded from light and place it gently on a level surface Do not touch the green drum in the drum cartridge This will damage the drum surface Do not expose the dr...

Page 210: ... the jammed paper out If the paper tears and a piece remains inside the machine a service call may be necessary to remove the remaining piece 8 Replace the drum cartridge To insert the cartridge align the guides on the cartridge with the runners on the sides of the compartment 9 Replace the toner cartridge and close the print compartment cover Refer to Installing the Toner Cartridge in Chapter 1 W...

Page 211: ... de una red a otra y de conectar el Fax a la otra red el usuario debe contactar con el distribuidor local para realizar los ajustes respec tivos Langue paramétrée Manuel d utilisation Accessoire pour ligne TEL Cordon d alimentation AUTRICHE allemand allemand aucun 3 CÂBLES FRANCE français français câble pour ligne 3 CÂBLES BÉLGIQUE suédois anglais aucun 3 CÂBLES DANEMARK suédois anglais aucun 3 CÂ...

Page 212: ...alquer alteração Se for necessário desligar o aparelho de fax da rede actual para o ligar a outra rede o utilizador deverá contactar o revendedor mais próximo para efectuar as respectivas alterações Kieli asetus Käyttö ohje Puh johto varusteet Virta johto ITÄVALTA saksa saksa ei KOLMIJOHDIN RANSKA Ranska Ranska johtokaapeli KOLMIJOHDIN BELGIA ruotsi englanti ei KOLMIJOHDIN TANSKA ruotsi englanti e...

Page 213: ...the Facsimile to the other network the user should contact to the local dealer for the respective settings Språk innstilling Bruks anvisning Tilbehør for TEL linje Strøm ledning ØSTERRIKE Tysk Tysk Ingen 3 LEDERS FRANKRIKE Fransk Fransk Linjekable 3 LEDERS BELGIA Svensk Engelsk Ingen 3 LEDERS DANMARK Svensk Engelsk Ingen 3 LEDERS FINLAND Svensk Engelsk Ingen 3 LEDERS TYSKLAND Tysk Tysk Linjekable ...

Page 214: ...Date setting 96 Dialling Chain 121 Direct Keypad 126 Normal 116 149 Rapid Key 125 149 Speed 126 149 Direct Keypad Dialling 126 Display messages 200 202 Document feeder 110 Document guides 110 Document restrictions 109 Document sizes 108 Document maximum scanning size 109 Drum cartridge Cleaning 192 193 Replacing 189 191 E ECM Error Correction Mode 132 E MAIL 73 Extension telephone Connecting 81 Us...

Page 215: times 130 Receive unit setting 101 Reception mode A M mode 99 154 FAX mode 99 136 Setting 99 TEL mode 99 139 TEL FAX mode 99 134 Reception Ratio setting 144 Redialling 117 129 150 Remote reception setting 142 Removing original document 111 Resolution 113 Ringer volume 104 S Scanning glass cleaning 187 Search Dial 128 150 Sender s name and number entering 92 95 Sharp Laser Multifunction softwa...

Page 216: ...Index 212 ...

Page 217: ...Index 213 ...

Page 218: ...Index 214 ...

Page 219: ...SÄTEESEEN Beim Anschalten dieses Gerätes an Datenverabeitungsanlagen ist sicherzustellen daß die Gesamtanlage den jeweiligen technischen Vorschriften entspricht Caution This product contains a low power laser device To ensure continued safety do not remove any cover or attempt to gain access to the inside of the product Refer all servicing to qualified personnel VARNING OM APPARATEN ANVÄNDS PÅ ANN...

Page 220: ...OPE GMBH Sonninstraße 3 20097 Hamburg Germany Phone 040 2376 0 SHARP ELECTRONICS NORDIC AB Box 14098 Gustavslundsvägen 12 S 167 14 Bromma Sweden Phone 08 634 3600 SHARP CORPORATION PRINTED IN CHINA TINSW4128SCZZ BR FO2950M ...
