Two independent rotating gobo wheels
The two independent rotating gobo wheels has five slots plus one open position on each to control the shape of emitted
light. Each gobo is indexable with bi-directional rotation. The standard gobo set includes both breakup patterns, geometric
gobos and full colored gobos.
Effect wheels
The G-Spot has two effect wheels for generating optical effect. The two effect wheels operate as an extension to one an-
other for achieving continuous animation effect.
High-precision pan and tilt
The G-Spot has a 16-bit pan and tilt control, with a 540° pan and 240° tilt movement with feedback.
Ultra high-speed strobe effect
The ultra high-speed strobe effect (1-50 Hz) introduces instant color control and the possibility to strobe between two or
more colors at any speed. Random strobe and pulse effects can be generated with variable speed.
4-facet rotating prism.
The soft high-quality frost filter is variable from 0% to 100%.
Manual_G_Spot_EN_170x113,3.book Page 40 Thursday, October 30, 2014 1:04 PM