Smartuner HF/VHF antenna coupler is the work-
ing brain inside the QMS-7 system. Use the SG-231 to automati-
cally tune just about any antenna (7 feet minimum) to 3 to 100 watt
HF/VHF transceivers from 1 to 60 MHz. It
automatically evaluates and switches over 4
million possible combinations of input
capacitance, output capacitance, and series
inductance to ensure a perfect match
between the transceiver and the antenna.
The SG-231 Smartuner remembers the cho-
sen frequency and tuning values and will
automatically reselect these values—in less
than 10 ms—each time you transmit on that frequency. It operates
with any HF and VHF transceiver.
Total QMS system weight:
12.5lb. (5.6kg)
Overall case dimensions:
13.5 x 10 x 4.3 inches
(34 x 26 x 10 cm)
Housing finish:
Black hard anodized
Maximum strap length: 2 ft.
strap tension:
2000 lb.
Strap width:
1 in.
Maximum allowable
vehicle speed:
75 miles
(120 km) per hour
1 to 60 MHz
Maximum RF
100 watts
Input Impedance
45 to 55
less than 1.4:1
DC input
13.6 VDC
Input current: Average
.9 amps
Random set time:
Typical— less
than 2 seconds
Recurrent set time:
Typical— less
than 10 milliseconds
memory addresses: 170 BIN
Frequency range: 1 to 60 MHz
Maximum RF Power:
150 watts PEP voice or CW
Length: 7 ft., including
adjustable ratchet
mount and spring
Equivalent: 23-foot antenna
Design: helically wound
The QMS-7 Antenna Coupler System
SG-231 Smartuner
SG-307 Antenna
SGC, Inc., P.O. Box 3526 , Bellevue, WA 98009
USA Tel: 425-746-6310 or 1-800-259-7331
Fax: 425-746-6384
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com
Copyright June, 1997 SGC, Inc.
SGC reserves the right to modify specifications without notice.
No Compromise Communications
Antenna Coupler
a durable and lightweight antenna designed for
mobile applications. It’s a high efficiency radiator, by virtue of
its dual element design. In construction, a single fiberglass whip,
helically wound, has a primary resonance at 8 MHz and a
secondary resonance at 25 MHz. So at lower frequencies—those
under approximately 25 MHz—
the SG-307 will vastly outper-
form a conventional 9-foot whip
antenna. The QMS puts the
entire antenna system outside
the vehicle for high efficiency and low noise.
S G - 3 0 7 — industrial strength
spring and rubber booting allow for
90° flexibility of antenna.
Marine and Mobile Antenna
Mounting coupler and antenna outside the
vehicle reduces engine noise, interference and
eliminates feed loss. It can be quickly installed
and easily moved from vehicle to vehicle. No
drilling or vehicle modifications are required.
Industrial suction cups secure the QMS-7 to the
vehicle, without damaging the finish, and high
strength straps and buckles complete the job
and give structural integrity.