4 - This test should be repeated on all bands of intended operation. Note that
the coupler will probably not tune the lamp from memory. This because the
impedance of the lamp changes with temperature, and therefore presents a
dynamic load to the coupler.
5 - Note that the lamp will not be as bright on the higher frequencies. This
is due to the fact that some radiation from the hook up wiring will occur on
the higher bands, that is, some of the power will go 'on the air' and not be
available to the lamp.
6 - If the coupler operates as described above, it is almost certain that it will
give satisfactory service with a proper antenna. If you are still having trou-
ble, we hope that you will contact us for a free copy of our HF SSB User's
Guide and Products Catalog which contains much additional information.
If the lamp does not light:
(be sure light bulb is good)
1 - Make sure that the radio is set to the CW mode. Some transceivers may not
provide CW output unless a CW key is connected to the appropriate connec-
tor. If you are not sure about this, refer to your equipment manual. You may
use FM or AM instead if necessary.
2 - Check the voltage at the transceiver DC power terminals. Also, verify that
there is at least 12 volts available at the antenna coupler.
3 - You can check the SSB output of your transceiver by speaking into the
microphone. The lamp will not be as bright as in CW. This is normal.
4 - Keep in mind that most troubles with these installations will be found in
the wiring, coax connectors, and antenna/ground system.
5 - If there is no indication of transmitter output you will need to make
arrangements to have the unit serviced.
6 - If transmitter output is good, but the coupler does not tune up the lamp,
you should contact SGC for help.
If your equipment passed these tests:
1 - Your equipment is capable of producing a strong signal. If you are
having trouble, it is probably either in the antenna system, or your operat-
ing procedure.
© 1998 SGC Inc
SG-230 Manual
SGC Inc. SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
P.O. Box 3526, 98009 Fax: 425-746-6384 Tel: 425- 746-6310 or 1-800-259 7331
E-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.sgcworld.com