Se i
i e Presser F
Se User Guide
Ad ustable ias inding oot
The adjustable bias binding foot is a presser foot designed exclusively for sewing
bindings—usually bias bindings, although it can accommodate straight grain
bindings, as well. The adjustable bias binding foot has a complicated
appearance, but using this foot to apply binding can be much simpler than
applying binding using a standard presser foot. Most of this foot is made of a
plastic part that is designed to be used as a guide. The plastic part on the left
edge of the foot has a slot right down its length. At the front of the slot on the left
edge, small tabs run down from the top, up from the bottom, and curve over,
ending in two small notches along the short edge of the plastic. These two
notches serve as the guides for the edges of the binding. The metal part of the
foot curves up in front to accommodate layers of fabric and the binding material.
The needle opening places the needle at the edge of the binding and is wide enough to accommodate zigzag or
decorative stitches. There are two screws in the front and back of the foot. The front screw on the plastic at the front
moves the inside part of the guide. This screw should be adjusted depending on the width of the binding using the
markers on the top, which are spaced at millimeter intervals. The screw on the back of the foot holds the plastic guide
onto the metal foot. Loosen this screw to adjust the guide back-and-forth to ensure optimal needle placement. This
feature is particularly important for machines that do not have an adjustable needle.
itre Corners with a ias inding oot
Perfect indings in a lash ow to se a ias inding oot
All About the Ad ustable ias inder
arning oot
Similar in use and function to the other arning oot
. his
arning oot has a transparent front that is a bit wider. his foot
allows for a mm extra wide ig ag stitch. he other one is limited
to mm. t is up to your personal preference which one of the two
you want to use.