Startup with PROFINET
Setting up the PROFINET IO controller
Manual – MOVI-C
CONTROLLER progressive UHX65A-M
Installing the PROFINET IO device description file (GSDML)
In order to be able to use the PROFINET IO device in the IEC project, the correspond-
ing device description file (GSDML) must be installed. The device description file is
provided by the device manufacturer.
To install the required device description files, select the menu command [Tools] >
[Device repository].
Scanning the PROFINET IO controller network for devices
You can scan for connected PROFITNET devices using the "Scan for devices" func-
tion in the pop-up menu of the PROFINET controller.
1. Make sure that all PROFINET IO devices are correctly connected (cabled) and
switched on.
2. Compile the project and make sure that there are no active errors.
3. Log in. To do so, select the menu command [Online] > [Log in] or press the <ALT>
+ <F8> keys.
26881144/EN – 02/2022