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DVD Playback Functions
Search By Time
During DVD disc playback, press the GOTO button on the remote control once, there
will be a menu displayed on the screen. You can set or select items for your
preference. Use the
direction buttons to select items, press the OK button to
enter and use the
direction buttons to select the desired item. Press the
direction button to return. When select the Title or Chapter, use number buttons to
input desired title or chapter number.
Some DVD discs do not support the search function.
To repeat a Title, Chapter or Track , press the REPEAT/EXIT button on the remote
control. Continually pressing the REPEAT/EXIT button will display a menu as follows:
Repeat Chapter, Title, All.
You can temporarily select a section of a DVD that you would like to play repeatedly.
You do this by marking the start and the end of the section using the A-B/TVR button.
During playback press the A -B/TVR button on the remote control at the beginning of
the segment (point A) you wish to play repeatedly. Press the A-B/TVR button again to
mark the end of the segment (point B).
The DVD player will automat ically return to point A and repeat playback of the
selected segment (A-B). To resume normal playback, press the A-B/TVR button