QED Environmental Systems Inc.
6155 Jackson Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
(800) 624-2026
(734) 995-2547
This warranty will be void in the event of unauthorized disassembly of component assemblies. Defects in any
equipment that result from abuse, operation in any manner outside the recommended procedures, use and
applications other than for intended use, or exposure to chemical or physical environmental beyond the
designated limits of materials and construction will also void this warranty. QED shall be released from all
obligations under all warranties if any product covered hereby is repaired or modified by persons other than
QED's service personnel unless such repair by others is made with the written consent of QED.
If any product covered hereby is actually defective within the terms of this warranty, Purchaser must contact
QED for determination of warranty coverage. If the return of a component is determined to be necessary, QED
will authorize the return of the component, at owner's expense. If the product proves not be defective within
the terms of this warranty, then all costs and expenses in connection with the processing of the Purchaser's \
claim and all costs for repair, parts and labor as authorized by owner hereunder shall be borne by the Purch-
The original Purchaser's sole responsibility in the instance of a warranty claim shall be to notify QED of the
defect, malfunction, or other manner in which the terms of this warranty are believed to be violated. You may
secure performance of obligations hereunder by contacting the Customer Service Department of QED and:
1. Identifying the product involved (by model or serial number or other sufficient description that will allow QED
to determine which product is defective).
2. Specifying where, when, and from whom the product was purchased.
3. Describing the nature of the defect or malfunction covered by this warranty.
4. Sending the malfunction component, after authorization by QED to