SET Energietechnik Ltd. * August-Blessing-Str. 5 * D-71282 Hemmingen * Tel.: +49 (0)7150 9454-0 Fax: +49 (0)7150 2337
Transport / installation
Rotating field monitoring
The heat pumps with three-phase connection (AC 400 V 3 N) are equipped with a phase
sequence relay for protection against incorrect electrical connection. In the event of an
incorrect rotating field, the relay blocks the power supply to the heat pump. The incorrect
rotating field is indicated by the relay. After the replacement of the phase sequence, the heat
pump will work again.
A CM-PFE phase sequence relay by the manufacturer ABB is used.
The correct rotation field is indicated with a yellow LED to the left of the letters “ABB”. In the
case of incorrect phase sequence, this LED is off and the compressor will not start.
Yellow LED