Position 4:
When position 4 (the bottom one, or the rightmost one if you hold
the Remote Unit by its left end) is in its factory-default ON setting, the
Extender resets the keyboard and mouse (see
Section 7.3.1
) when you press
Scroll Lock. But if you need the Scroll Lock key for some other function, you
can force the Extender to pass Scroll Lock through to the PC (disabling the
reset function) by setting position 4 to OFF. Be aware that disabling Scroll
Lock reset
affects the
Local Unit’s
keyboard and mouse, and disables
Private Mode (see
Section 7.3.4
) as well.
5.2.3 O
(ACU1049A) M
Only position 2 of this DIP switch is meaningful; don’t change the settings of any
of the other switch positions. (Position 2 is the second one from the top, or second
from the left if you hold the Remote Unit by its left end.) It controls the Extender’s
keyboard-command hotkey (see
Section 7.3
), the character that you can send from
either attached keyboard to cue the Extender to expect to receive a command.
Each time you press the hotkey, it will be absorbed by the Extender if it’s followed
by a valid command character.
The hotkey can be either left-[Ctrl] or right-[Ctrl]. In position 2’s factory-default
OFF setting, right-[Ctrl] is the hotkey, because many of the KVM switches that can
be attached to the Extender use left-[Ctrl] as
hotkey. But you might want to
use left-[Ctrl] instead, particularly if a computer you’ll be attaching to the
Extender is a workstation such as a Compaq
, HP
, etc. Instead of a
standard right-[Ctrl] key, these workstations’ keyboards have a [Compose] key,
which shouldn’t be absorbed by the Extender because it’s required for use with
some of the software written for these workstations. To have the Extender use left-
[Ctrl] for its hotkey, move position 2 to ON.