1 Number of commands (Y) against specific transfer size rangers in KB (Y) recorded
last minute and this minute. If the QOS has heavy I/O traffic, this feature will help
get a sense of the fluctuations in load over time.
2 Number of commands (Y) against specific transfer size rangers in KB (Y) recorded
last hour and this hour
3 Number of commands (Y) against specific transfer size rangers in KB (Y) recorded
last day and this day
2.11 LUN Details
The LUN details menu is accessible by clicking on the Details button beside a LUN in the
RAID Details sub-‐menu of NumaRAID. If all you need is a MBps reading of the perfor-‐
mance of a specific LUN, this menu has the tools to do it. There is a dropdown menu for
selecting between a Read Scan or Write Scan test and a test size. Read Scan is non-‐
destructive, it is a direct indicator of the internal bandwidth of and individual LUN to the
RAID system. The test results that appear after clicking the Sequential Scan button show
the MBps of the LUN scan. In addition to testing, this menu can also be used to delete a
LUN with the Delete button.
A Write Scan will erase the data on the LUN, so be very careful about using this
QOS 8-Bay User Manual
QOS Server is a subsidary of Ocean Tides Productions Ltd. © Copyright 2013