2.5 Scan & See Performance Stats
The Scan & See Performance Stats button located to the left of the RAID Name on the
RAID Details page allows you to gather test information by performing read/write tests
on the drives in the QOS 8-‐Bay RAID.
Performing a Write Scan will completely erase the contents of the RAID being
tested. The data on the RAID will be irrecoverably lost.
After clicking the Sequential Scan button, a dialogue will appear with the Read/Write
speed of the RAID in MBps. Returning to the RAID Details page will display each drive’s
device By-‐ID and the results of the scan test in a table. The upper table refers to drive
read test results, and the one below it refers to drive write results. You can use the RAID
Surface Scan menu to select a scan type (Read/Write) and a file size to be used for the
test. The total hard drive sectors that fell within a certain response time will be allocated
to the different table columns. Some variation is normal as the hard drives scan the
outermost sectors of the drives where it takes longer to access data. If there are an unu-‐
sually large number of sectors frequently falling in the right-‐most columns, check the
SMART status information of those drives to see if it is defective.
QOS 8-Bay User Manual
QOS Server is a subsidary of Ocean Tides Productions Ltd. © Copyright 2013