In the left pane, click on “Administration | Management” to set configurations such as: language,
administration account, password, current time, NTP (Network Time Protocol), and DNS server.
Select Language
: Choose one of three languages and click on the Apply button to complete the
language setting.
: Enter a new user name for the device. (The default is
: Enter a new password. (The default is
). Click on the Apply button. The system
will reboot and then ask you to enter the changed account name or password. If you forget the
account name or password, then press and hold the reset button on the rear panel for 5 seconds
to allow the system to reboot and restore all configurations to the factory-default settings.
Current time
: The current time displays. Click on Sync with host to set time on the router to the
time of the host.
Time zone
: Choose your time zone (such as GMT+02:00 Romania).
NTP server
: Input the URL address of the NTP server.
NTP synchronization (hours):
This is the synchronization interval time with the NTP server.
: Select the DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service provider you wish to use.
DDNS Account
: Input the account you registered with the DDNS service provider.
DDNS Password
: Input the password you registered on the DDNS service provider.
: Input the domain name you registered.
Upload Firmware
Click on “Administration | Upload Firmware” in the left pane to upgrade the firmware and update the
system startup loader program.