DHCP Clients
Select “Internet Settings | DH CP clients” to check the related computer information of the DHCP that
automatically assigns IP addresses in the LAN (such as network name, MAC address, IP address and
expiration time).
Advanced Routing
This function is an option to add specific routing to a specific hos t if necessary. The appropriate use of
static routers in a network can reduce routing selection problems and data ov erload of routing streams,
so its use can increase the transmitting speed of data packets. By setting the addresses of the IP,
subnet mask, and gateway, a routing table can be set up. The destination IP address and subnet mask
are used to determine a target network/host so that the router can send data packets to designated
target network/hosts through the gateway.
QOS is Quality of service, its primary function is to limit the bandwidth usage of a certain server and
IP, to meet the bandwidth that
’s needed by specific application and priority of service, and share
bandwidth with the rest of users, so there can be more stable and reliable data transfer service