Soluciones y Tecnologías de Control Embebido S.A.P.I. de C.V. [email protected] +52 1 833-389-4054
The following figure allows the optical spectrometer to be triggered using as a reference an “Adv
Q-Sw” output (not available on all commercial lasers) that delivers a Q-Switch pulse a time earlier
than the true Q-Switch laser pulse.
Fig. 26. Synchronism with Q-Switch ADV SYNC, flash lamp and Q-Switch controlled by the laser itself
In another control scheme, the DG-3O1I-17 can take over and delay the LAMP, Q-Switch, and
spectrometer. As shown in the following figure. In this scheme, the triggering of the lamp, the Q-
Switch and the spectrometer would be carried out from the LCD display itself using the manual
trigger button "Soft Trigger", see section on “Manual trigger with touch button "Soft Trigger"”,
page 20.
Fig. 27. Lamp control, Q-Switch and spectrometer from the DG-3O1I-17, the shot is made from a button on
the touch screen or with a square pulse generator (not shown in the image) that is connected to the IN input