Sensus AR5000 User’s Guide
Enter Data
To enter a TouchRead...
Use the TAB key to scroll through the route, to the location
where you want to enter information.
The system displays “Perform TouchRead” across the top
of the screen for addresses that are setup for
Place the flat disk face of the reading gun against the
TouchPad remote or pit-lid mounted TouchPad (TR/PL)
module and squeeze the trigger.
How To Hold the Gun
The system briefly displays a “Receiving Readings”
message, while receiving data.
• If the reading is successful, the system sounds a beep
and stores the reading.
Error Reading Device Message
• If the system is unable to read the information, the
screen displays an “Error Reading Device” error
message. For more information, see
• If the meter ID does not match the information for that
address on the route, the system initiates an
“Address/Meter Mismatch” error. For more information,
Resolve Readings That Don’t Match the Displayed
• If the meter ID does not match any ID on the route, the
system initiates a “Non-Route Meter” error. For more
information, see
You can attempt a TouchRead on any meter
equipped with an encoder, regardless of the
information on the AR5000 display.