Network Wiring (MX-5000 Series)
2 - 30 • • • MPS-4100 product guide
1. Wire power, alarm, tamper and self-test pairs to TB1 (see Figure 2-22).
Observe polarity
2. Wire audio to the Slave audio terminals on TB3.
Do not use the TB1 audio terminals for a Slave Receiver.
3. Wire power and tamper for the Slave Transmitter to TB2. The Transmitter
tamper output must be set to NC.
If the Transmitter tamper will not be wired to the Receiver, a
jumper must be placed across TB2-3 & TB2-4.
4. Set the Receiver modulation frequency to match the Transmitter modulation
frequency via JP1 and JP2.
5. Configure the operating parameters via S1 and S2. See Table 2-4.
A shielded pair cable for the audio between the Slave and Host
Receivers is recommended. The shield should be tied to any
Common terminal on TB3 of the Host Receiver only.