MPS-4100 product guide • • • 2 - 7
The following assumes that all posts have been installed, conduit run with
junction boxes to each post, and wire pulled through the conduit into each
junction box.
The MPS-4100 requires a stable, permanently anchored mounting post. Mounting
posts should be 8, 9, or 10 cm (3, 3½ or 4 inch) O.D. pipe, 1.2 m (4 ft.) high and
fixed in a concrete footing. The wire size for power cables should be sufficient to
minimize the voltage drop between the power supply and the units. Refer to
Table 2-1 for recommended wire sizes based on the load requirements and the
length of each wire run.
Figure 2-5 Post mounting
Post mount bracket (post side)
Post mount bracket (microwave side)
Post mounted MPS-4100 (post side view)
Post mounted MPS-4100 (front view)