MANUAL DE INSTRUCCIONES CODIGO 80098 REV E May/2017 (Sujetas a modificaciones sin previo aviso) Pag.: 13
.P. SELECTA s.a.
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7.5.1 Setting «Offset»
The «Offset» allows adding a quantity (positive or negative) to the measured tem-
perature value, moving the reading.
An «offset» between -9.9 and 9.9 can be set.
a. The «RUN» led must be off (press «START/STOP»).
b. Press
and without releasing, press
for 5 seconds.
c. Release
d. Press
e. Press
until the display shows the desired «Offset».
f. Press
four times.
7.5.2 Setting the «Temperature coefficient»
The temperature coefficient adds a factor that multiples the controller original reading.
A coefficient between 800 and 1000 can be set (The value 1000 is shown in the
display as 000)
The coefficient default value is 1000.
This coefficient applies according to the formula:
Tª_display = Tª_probe x (coefficient / 1000).
a. The «RUN» led must be off (Press «START/STOP»).
b. Press
and without releasing, press
for 5 seconds.
c. Release
d. Press
e. Press
until the display shows the desired «coefficient».
f. Press
three times.
7.6 Setting the safety thermostat
ovens are equipped with a safety thermostat (See Fig. 4). This device
interrupts the oven’s heater if it exceeds the set value.
It is intended as an additional safety device, in case the temperature electronic con
troller stops operating properly. In this case, its action prevents that the temperature
could rise to excessive values.
Another use of the thermostat is to protect valuable samples, by setting it between
5 and 10 ºC above the operating temperature.
The thermostat comes factory set to maximum: 100% (at full clockwise).
To set the safety thermostat shutdown temperature, follow the next instructions:
a. Set the thermostat at full clockwise (100%).
b. Be sure that the safety thermostat is reset by pressing «RESET». The red lamp
must be off (See Fig. 4).
ID number
Serial outlet
Fig 1. Display: