Pacific Operation Manual
Version 4 October 2010
A unique feature of the Pacific range is the ability to use plastic transparencies for projection instead of
conventional steel or glass gobos. This can only be done if the Pacific is configured correctly. For detailed
information please refer to our website:
The Pacific provides for mounting 2 gobo holders, one forward
of, and the other behind the shutter assembly.
The front mounting slot will house:
A Philips Selecon rotatable pattern holder
An adjustable iris
A motorised gobo holder (eg Rosco/ DHA)
The rear slot will house a Philips Selecon rotatable pattern
To fit an accessory in the front mounting slot
Remove the accessory slot cover using a Philips screwdriver. Slide the accessory in front of the shutter plate,
into the moulding slot. Ensure the pattern spring clip faces to the front of the luminaire. Store the accessory
slot cover in safe place, so it can be refitted when the accessory is no longer used.
To fit an accessory in the rear mounting slot
Remove the accessory slot cover using a Philips screwdriver. Slide the pattern holder against the rear shutter
plate into the moulding slot. The pattern spring clip must face the rear of the luminaire. Push the pattern holder
home firmly so the dimple sits under the Moulding lip, ensuring it can’t fall out. Replace the accessory slot
To insert an Iris
Remove the accessory slot cover using a Philips screwdriver. To mount the Iris (20IRIS), slide into the front
mounting slot and push to the bottom of the slot. Store the accessory slot cover in safe place, so it can be
refitted when the accessory is no longer used.
Colour Filter Life
The Pacific optical systems has been optimised for maximum colour life in the "useable" range of beam
angles. As the Pacific uses very compact filament lamps, and as there are no restrictions as to how far the
lenses can move, it is possible to position a lens in a way that the lenses focus point coincides with the colour
filter, thus causing it to rapidly deteriorate. The beam of light at these lens positions is not useable.