Time zone
Time zone
Based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the standard time commonly used is adopted by countries and regions around the world.
The standard time is determined by each country or region, and the region where the same standard time is adopted is referred to as the time
zone, and presently, the time zone is divided into 40 zones as of March 2015.
DST (Daylight Saving Time)
Depending on the area, DST (Daylight Saving Time) is individually set.
Daylight Saving Time means summer time, which is a system to lengthen daylight time by advancing 1 hour when daylight time is long in
Daylight saving time has been adopted in about 80 countries, mainly in Europe and North America. The adoption and duration of daylight
saving time vary depending on the country.
Daylight Saving Time is subject to change owing to circumstances of the country or region.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
UTC is the universal standard time coordinated through an international agreement. This is used as the official time for recording time around
the world. The time obtained by adding a leap second to the “International Atomic Time (TAI)” determined based on the atomic clock around
the world and coordinated in order to compensate for deviations from universal time (UT) which is astronomically determined is the UTC.