Sega Saturn USB DataLink Setup Instructions
The Sega Saturn DataLink device is a USB accessory, which can be used to transfer data. The
DataLink utilizes the 5V power from your PC’s USB port to operate. It is a very low-power
device, which consumes < 50mA of current.
After unpacking the USB DataLink device, please follow the steps below.
Step1 – Install USB Drivers
For this step, you will need only the DataLink device, USB cable, and Driver CD.
On the CD is a PDF with instructions for installing the USB drivers. Open the instructions (or
print them out) corresponding to your operating system (XP, 98, …etc).
Plug the USB cable into your PC. Plug the other end of the USB cable into the DataLink device.
The DataLink’s LED indicator light should come on, and your PC should indicate that it has
found a new device.
* On some of the newer versions of Windows (like Windows 7), it may automatically install the
VCP drivers without any user action necessary.
Otherwise, follow the driver installation instructions (for VCP drivers). When selecting the
location for the drivers, they are located in the “Drivers” folder on the CD. When you are
finished with the driver installation, the PC will have assigned a virtual com port to the DataLink
device. To see which com port is being used, go to your PC’s Device Manager. Expand the
“Ports(COM & LPT)” directory. Make a note of which com port number has been assigned to
the USB device.
* Currently, the software does not support a COM assignment higher than 16. If the COM
installed as a number higher than 16, you can re-assign it using Device Manager. It is ok that it
uses a COM number assigned to another device, as long as both devices are not plugged in at the
same time.
Step2 – Install DataLink Software
This will install the DataLink software application to your PC.
On the CD is a folder named “Software Installation”. Inside this folder is the file setup.exe. Run
setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions. When installation is complete, the software may
be launched by selecting “Saturn_USB” from the Start Menu. When the DataLink software
starts, it should automatically choose the correct com port. The com port may be manually
selected, by choosing “File…Configure” from the DataLink software main menu.
Step3 – Connecting the Datalink device to the Saturn
This is the connection sequence for attaching the DataLink device to the Saturn.
1) The Sega Saturn should be powered OFF.
2) Insert a Pro Action Replay cartridge into the Saturn cartridge slot.
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