TB XRW1-4 04.01 E
Fault memory
When the relay is energized or is energized or trips, all
fault data and times are stored in a non-volatile memory
manner. The
is provided with a fault value re-
corder for max. five fault occurrences. In the event of
additional trippings always the oldest data set is written
over. The momentary values are stored in the moment
the relay decides to trip.
For fault indication not only the trip values are recorded
but also the status of LEDs. Fault values are indicated
when push buttons <-> or <+> are pressed during
normal measuring value indication.
Normal measuring values are selected by pressing
the <SELECT/RESET> button.
When then the <-> button is pressed, the latest fault
data set is shown. By repeated pressing the <-> but-
ton the last but one fault data set is shown etc. For
indication of fault data sets abbreviations FLT1,
FLT2, FLT3, ... are displayed (FLT1 means the latest
fault data set recorded). At the same time the pa-
rameter set active at the occurence is shown.
By pressing <SELECT/RESET> the fault measuring
values can be scrolled.
By pressing <+> it can be scrolled back to a more
recent fault data set. At first FLT8, FLT7, ... are al-
ways displayed.When fault recording is indicated
(FLT1 etc), the LEDs flash in compliance with the
stored trip information, i.e. those LEDs which
showed a continuous light when the fault occured
are now blinking blinking to indicate that it is not a
current fault. LEDs which were blinking blinking dur-
ing trip conditions, (element had picked up) just
briefly flash.
If the relay is still in trip condition and not yet reset
(TRIP is still displayed), no measuring values can be
To delete the trip store, the push button combination
<SELECT/RESET> and <->, has to be pressed for
about 3s. The display shows “wait”.
Recorded fault data:
Displayed value
ing LED
L1; L2; L3; L1/L2;
L2/L3; L3/L1
L1; L2; L3
f; f min f max
f; min; max
changing rate
All relays have the following three possibilities to reset
the display of the unit as well as the output relay at
switch position 3=ON.
Manual Reset
Pressing the push button <SELECT/RESET> for some
time (about 3 s)
Electrical Reset
Through applying auxiliary voltage to C2/C2L or
Software Reset
The software reset has the same effect as the
<SELECT/RESET> push button (see also communica-
tion protocol of RS485 interface)
The display can only be reset when the pickup is not
present anymore (otherwise "TRIP" remains in display).
During resetting of the display the parameters are not
Erasure of fault storage
To delete the trip store, the push button combination
<SELECT/RESET> and <->, has to be pressed for
about 3s. The display shows “wait” during the clearing