Chapter 4: Using Your Device
Page 70
2. Locate the groove inside the glasses frame into which
the lenses fit.
3. Hold the lens so that the curved side faces up
towards you.
4. Locate the corner of the lens that has a sharper
corner than the others do.
5. Place the sharper corner of the lens in the corner of
inside groove nearest the camera.
6. Using your thumbs push down on the lens to seat it in
the groove of the lens opening. It may help to pull the
frame slightly with your other fingers.
When you are finished using the system:
Turn off the VPU
Disconnect the glasses from the VPU.
If storing the system, remove the battery.
LED’s and
Audible Tones
The VPU uses tones to provide you with information about
the status of the VPU and glasses and to tell you about
problems with the Argus 2s system. Table 7 summarizes
the meaning of these indicators.
Table 7: Audible
Tones and LED’s
Single tone
The Power button will
The VPU is starting up.