Chapter 3: What to Expect Before, During and After Surgery Page 59
clinician will train you how to perform simple troubleshooting
and how to care and maintain your Argus II System.
You will need to come to the clinician many times in the 4-6
weeks after surgery to have your system programmed and to
receive training. Once you complete these two activities,
you will be able to start using your Argus II System at home.
Typically, patients in the clinical trial started home use of the
System one to three months after their implant surgery.
Follow-up Programming
After the initial programming sessions, you may need to visit
your programming clinician on a regular basis for a tune up.
The brightness of perception and the number of electrodes
that can give you perception may decrease over time. If your
perceptual experience with the device changes, you should
contact your programming clinician for a follow-up
programming session.
Visual Rehabilitation
It is important to learn how to use the device to fit your
specific needs. Second Sight has a recommended visual
rehabilitation program. This rehabilitation program will allow
you to improve your use of the system. It should increase
your ability to perform daily activities and help reach your
goals for using the Argus II System. A typical rehabilitation
program may include five to ten one hour sessions. These
might take place at the hospital, at another institution, in your
home, at your work, or some combination of these settings.