SM-B79 User Manual - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.0 - Author: A.R - Reviewed by S.R. - Copyright © 2021 SECO S.p.A.
Safety Policy
In order to meet the safety requirements of EN62368-1:2014 standard for Audio/Video, information and communication technology equipment, the SM-B79 Carrier
Board shall be:
used inside a fire enclosure made of non-combustible material or V-1 material (the fire enclosure is not necessary if the maximum power supplied to the
board never exceeds 100 W, even in worst-case fault);
used inside an enclosure provided with the symbol IEC 60417-5041(element 1a according to clause 9.5.2 of the IEC 62368-1) on the external part;
installed inside an enclosure compliant with all applicable IEC 62368-1 requirements;
The manufacturer which includes a SM-B79 Carrier Board in his end-user product shall:
verify the compliance with B.2 and B.3 clauses of the EN62368-1 standard when the module works in its own final operating condition
prescribe temperature and humidity range for operating, transport and storage conditions;
prescribe to perform maintenance on the board only when it is off and has already cooled down;
prescribe that the connections from or to the board have to be compliant to ES1 requirements;
the board in its enclosure must be evaluated for temperature and airflow considerations.