Using the Setup Program
Peripheral Setup
Peripheral Setup options are displayed by choosing the Peripheral Setup from the
Setup main menu.
OnBoard FDC
This option enables the floppy drive controller on the motherboard. The settings are
“Auto”, “Enabled”, and “Disabled”. The default settings for both Optimal and Fail-Safe
are “Auto”.
OnBoard Serial Port1
This option enables serial port 1 on the motherboard and specifies the base I/O port
address for serial port 1. The settings are “3F8h”, “3E8h”, “2F8h”, “2E8h”, “Auto”, and
“Disabled”. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are both “Auto”.
OnBoard Serial Port2
This option enables serial port 2 on the motherboard and specifies the base I/O port
address for serial port 2. The settings are “2F8h”, “2E8h”, “3F8h”, “3E8h”, “Auto”, and
“Disabled”. The Optimal and Fail-Safe default settings are both “Auto”.
Serial Port2 Mode
You can choose either “Normal” or other IR modes. The default setting is “Normal”. The
IR mode should be set according to your IR device.
OnBoard Parallel Port
This option enables the parallel port on the motherboard and specifies the parallel port
base I/O port address. The settings are “378h”, “278h”, “3BCh”, “Auto”, and “Disabled”.
The default setting for Optimal and Fail-Safe is “Auto”.
Parallel Port IRQ
If the onboard Parallel port is set on either 3BC or 378, you need to choose IRQ7. If the
Parallel Port is set on the 278, you need to choose IRQ5.
Parallel Port Mode
This option specifies the parallel port mode. ECP (Extended Capabilities Port) and EPP
(Enhanced Parallel Port) are both bi-directional data transfer schemes that adhere to
the IEEE P1284 specifications. The settings are “SPP”, “EPP”, and “ECP”. The default
setting is “SPP”.