Normally, you can get the number of the voice mail from the network provider. This number is used for the caller to receive messages. Call Forwarding
When it is inconvenient for you to answer a call or in some other situations, you can forward the incoming call to other phone (or fax machine), and
you can also set the forwarding conditions. This function requires network support.
Always forward: When this function is enabled, all incoming calls will be forwarded to a pre-designated phone number.
Forward when busy: If the user is busy, the incoming call will be forwarded to a preset phone number.
Forward when unanswered: If there is no answer, the incoming call will be forwarded to a preset phone number.
Forward when unreachable: If the called party is not reached, the incoming call will be forwarded to a preset phone number. Call Barring (Requiring Network Support)
This function enables you to restrict call making or call answering of the mobile phone. Before using this function, you need to input the barring
password provided by the service provider, and this password will be sent to the network for validation.
Note: This function only supports GSM calling. General settings
My phone number: When you make a call, the caller ID will be shown according to the default settings of the operator.
Call waiting: You can tap the selection box to enable or disable this function. After this function is enabled, if there is a new incoming call during
conversation, the mobile phone will enter the call waiting status; if this function is disabled, the mobile phone will ignore the new incoming call.
This function requires network support. Video Call (Requiring Network Support)
Picture for replacing local video: you can set the picture shown to the other side when the local camera is turned off.
Enable back camera: Camera switching is allowed after this menu is opened.
Peer video bigger than local video: after this menu is opened, the view of the other side will be larger than the local view.