Flash Codes
Sealite marine lanterns may be set to any of 256 IALA recommended flash settings which are
user-adjustable on site without the need for external devices.
SEALITE® code reference is listed by number of flashes
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or email info@sealite.com
Flash followed by number Eg. FL 1 S, one flash every second
F Fixed
Quick flash
Very quick flash
Occulting; greater period on than off
Isophase; equal period on and off
Long flash long
Morse code ( ) contains letter
For example, VQ (6) + LFL 10 S means 6 very quick flashes followed by a long flash, during a
10-second interval.
The amount of power your lantern draws through the night depends on the duty cycle, i.e. the amount of
time on as a proportion to the timing cycle. For example, 0.5 seconds on and 4.5 seconds off equals a
10% duty cycle.
It is best to operate at the lowest duty cycle appropriate to the actual needs of the application.
Recommended Rhythm for Flashing Light - IALA Regions A and B
Port Hand & Starboard Marks:
Any, other than Composite Group Flashing (2+1)
Preferred Channel Starboard:
Composite Group Flashing (2+1)
Preferred Channel Port:
Composite Group Flashing (2+1)
North Cardinal Mark:
Very quick or quick
East Cardinal Mark:
Very quick (3) every 5 seconds or quick (3) every 10 seconds
South Cardinal Mark:
Very quick (6) + long flash every 10 seconds or quick (6) + long flash every 15 seconds
West Cardinal Mark:
Very quick (9) every 10 seconds or quick (9) every 15 seconds
Isolated Danger Mark:
Group flashing (2)
Safe Water Mark:
Isophase, occulting, one long flash every 10 seconds or Morse Code “A”
Special Marks:
Any, other than those described for Cardinal, Isolated Danger or Safe Water Marks