Always check the condition of the steering cordage. Make sure the rope is well
protected by a transparent rubber tube exiting the semi-steering. Thanks to this 2
pressure screws, you can adjust the alignment of the semi-steering, foot bar, and
the front wheel. Be careful not to lose 2 small chock urethane between the pressure
screw and the cord. These chocks helps to protect the cord.
Vérifiez dans la coque les endroits de
passage et de friction des cordages. Vérifiez
aussi le nœud de jonction (flèche rouge).
Retendez parfois les cordages de direction
aux nœuds à la fourche.
Check inside the hull, the passage and the
friction of the cord. Check also the node
junction (red arrows). Always retighten the
steering cords at the knots situated at the