1) Check the operation and direction of
the elevator, rudder, ailerons and throttle.
A) Plug in your radio system per the
manufacturer's instructions and turn every-
thing on.
B) Check the elevator first. Pull back
on the elevator stick. The elevator halves
should move up. If it they do not, flip the servo
reversing switch on your transmitter to change
the direction.
C) Check the rudder. Looking from
behind the airplane, move the rudder stick to
the right. The rudder should move to the right.
If it does not, flip the servo reversing switch
on your transmitter to change the direction.
D) Check the throttle. Moving the
throttle stick forward should open the carbu-
retor barrel. If it does not, flip the servo re-
versing switch on your transmitter to change
the direction.
2) Check Control Surface Throw.
A) The Rudder should move 3/4” left
and 3/4” right from center. If it moves too far,
turn the adjustable control horn out away from
the rudder. Do the opposite if there is not
enough throw.
B) Both elevator halves should move
5/16” up and 5/16” down from center. If they
move too far, turn the adjustable control horns
out away from the elevator halves. Do the
opposite if there is not enough throw. Both
elevator halves should also travel the same
amount throughout their total movement.
C) The ailerons should move 3/16” up
and 3/16” down from center. If the ailerons
move too much, turn the adjustable control
horns out away from the wing. Do the oppo-
site if there is not enough throw. It is impor-
tant that both ailerons move the same amount,
both up and down.
To correct this, move the battery and receiver
forward orif this is not possible, stick weight
onto the firewall or use a brass heavy hub spin-
ner hub, similar to those offered by Harry
Higley. When balanced correctly, the airplane
should sit level or slightly nose down when
you lift it up with your fingers.
1) It is critical that your airplane be bal-
anced correctly. Improper balance will cause
your plane to lose control and crash. The cen-
ter of gravity is located
back from the
leading edge of the wing, measured at the
wing tip.
2) If the nose of the plane falls, the plane
is nose heavy. To correct this first move the
battery pack further back in the fuselage. If
this is not possible or does not correct it, stick
small amounts of lead weight on the fuselage
sides under the horizontal stabilizer. If the
tail of the plane falls, the plane is tail heavy.
E)From behind the airplane, look at the
aileron on the right wing half. Move the aileron
stick to the right. The right aileron should move
up and the other aileron should move down. If
it does not, flip the servo reversing switch on
your transmitter to change the direction.
D) Once the control throws and move-
ments are set, tubing must be added to the
clevises to ensure they do not release in the
air. Cut a piece of fuel line into five 1/4” long
pieces. Unsnap the clevises and slip one
piece over each clevis. Snap the clevises back
in place and slide the tubing up over them.