.Restore a backup that has been performed on the Backup page
Choose one or more folders on your Seagate Personal Cloud to sync with your cloud storage account. Cloud
:services supported by Sync include
Google Drive
Network Backup disk
Enable Network Backup so that other Seagate Personal Cloud or Seagate network storage devices can back up
.to your primary Seagate Personal Cloud
Backup, Sync, and Restore examples
Back up to a USB storage device
Note on computer backups: You can back up your computers to the Seagate Personal Cloud. Backup
applications such as Seagate Dashboard (Windows), Windows File History and Apple Time Machine
manage how the computer backups are performed. Use your preferred backup application and
choose a shared folder on your Seagate Personal Cloud as the destination for the computer backup.
When performing a backup to a private share, make certain that a user can access the share. For
.more information, see Back up
Important info on backups: It is recommended that all users back up data to a USB storage device,
another network storage device or cloud storage as further protection against a missing hard drive
.(or secondary points of failure (e.g. hardware, network, etc
Note on backup job order: To conserve processing resources, the Seagate Personal Cloud runs one
job at time. If more than one job is scheduled for the same time or started manually, Backup
.Manager places them in a queue
Seagate Personal Cloud 2-Bay