The advanced section is used for installing third party apps and updates that are not available in the App
.Manager. Follow the instructions below to use the advanced section
To install an app, review the instructions below. Note that apps must have been created specifically for NAS OS
.and have the file extension .rbw
.Click Advanced .1
.Turn Manual install mode to ON .2
.Note the status of the Dependencies. They should be OK .3
.Click Install .4
.Browse to the app you wish to install and accept the terms .5
.Click Install .6
.Once the app has installed it is located under My Apps
Note: There are two buttons at the top right corner of the Updates screen, Check Apps and Update
all. Use Check Apps to check for updates. Use the Update all to update all your apps at once.
.Update all can take some time to finish
Note: Seagate does not provide support for third party apps. If you have trouble with a third party
.app, contact the app’s vendor
.Note: The app file type must be .rbw
Note: Seagate only provides support for Seagate branded apps. If you need support with a third
.party app, contact the app manufacturer
Seagate Personal Cloud 2-Bay