LUBExpert User Manual
Here is an example of lubrication preformed in FREE MODE. Initial reading triggered “WARNING”
alarm and process was started as FREE MODE by decision of the operator. All following readings are
marked as “free mode” and the final one with Lube alarm status (in this case “Lubrication success”).
You can see how friction levels were decreasing with each step (also overall alarm status changing).
Grease quantity displayed next to each free mode reading indicates the quantity added in that
particular step. Final reading shows total added quantity. Lube alarm status and achieved condition
in FREE MODE is no different than one achieved thro
ugh GUIDED MODE, still, mark “F” is added so it
can be differentiated how the process was done. It helps in understanding cases by case if needed.
Here is an example of an emergency exit from the process (Process aborted), as there was a reason
not to continue lubrication. One of the most common reason is blocked grease line or grease fitting.
Status of the bearing is Process Aborted, added quantity and reading value is one that was last
recorded prior to emergency exit. In order to exit the menu after this kind of event, operator is
obliged to assign a message explaining the reason, and that would most probably be “Defective
As an SDT270DU LUBExpert App or LUBExpert Dynamic user, additional data will be displayed in your
UAS3 software: