LUBExpert User Manual
This chart gives you an overview of results of all lubrication activities in this particular asset. Call it a
history overview. It helps understanding the success of your strategy.
The Initial line/Base line graph
This graph shows you two different trend lines.
It trends all your initial readings. This graphic provides a better understanding of the condition you
find your bearing in each time you perform a measurement. This trend helps you understand if your
interval is right and give you better insight in general bearing condition.
It also trends all your final readings. Contrary to common opinion disseminated in Ultrasound world,
“baseline” is not a flat line. You will not have the same reading as final one in each and every of your
lubrication processes. That line is live… as live as your asset. From the behavior of your trend line,
you can conclude the right alarm level and also have a great input about the health of your asset.
Pay attention to gaps between those two lines, it is very useful information, and it is on your screen.
Bottom Pane Views
The bottom pane of UAS3 features informative views specific to lubrication tasks. Clicking on the plus
sign expands the measurement data for a specific machine. In this example, for simplicity, we show
four different results on one machine.
If you select the one level higher than measurement level (in this case ASSET 5) and select EVENT tab
in bottom pane, you will have a review of all events, in this case all messages assigned to this
particular point during lubrication process.
Messages assigned during Lubrication process are very important information and a valuable tool for