Copyright © 2016 SDRplay Limited
SDRuno User Manual
11.6 The data grid
The data grid has the main purpose of showing data but it also provides many ways for editing. Inside the
grid you can:
Scroll the bank data with the mouse wheel, scrolling bars or up-down arrow keys.
Customize the columns order.
Insert (add), delete, move and copy/paste rows.
Manually edit single cells.
Copy-paste single cells and cell selections.
Perform row sorting (ascending/descending) with a single click.
Search for specific data (incremental search).
Filter data
Selected data fields are shown in yellow.
The current active cell is highlighted with a brighter background.
The current active row is shown by a small arrow marker shown in the row header.
11.7 Basic operations in the data grid
Customizing the columns order
By default the grid shows the columns in the same order as the relative data fields are stored in the bank
file. However you might want to change the columns display order. To move a column to a new position
click and drag the relative column header to the new position (a green arrow shows you the insertion
point), then release the mouse button. Columns order is persistent (it is saved in the registry).
You can’t change the columns width.
Manual editing of cells
In order to start manual editing of a cell you have two options:
on the relative cell then press
the cell.
The above operation starts the specific editor for that cell:
The Frequency field editor allows up to 10 numeric characters.
The Description field editor allows up to 255 alphanumeric characters.
The Mode and S field editors are of the combo-list kind: upon pressing the combo button you are
allowed to select one of the values in the drop down list.
The UTC field editor allows up to 9 alphanumeric characters.
To close the editor press the Enter key (combo-list editors close automatically upon selection). If the entry
is invalid the cell shows the previous data.
Manually inserting a new row
New rows are always inserted after the current one. To manually insert a new (blank) row press the