Copyright © 2016 SDRplay Limited
SDRuno User Manual
If checked,
the frequency information is relative to the VRX “centre frequency” (the SDR hardware local
oscillator). You must enable this option if the controlled device is also the front-end of the receiving chain
that includes SDRuno.
Default: unchecked.
If checked, the modulation mode is also synchronized.
Default: checked.
9.11 The RSYN button
The RSYN button on the RX Control window activates the synchronization of the relative VRX with the
selected Omnirig device. A mutual exclusion logic avoids multiple VRX accessing the same device at the
same time. The status of this button is persistent between sessions.
10. Tmate and Tmate 2
natively supports the Tmate controllers from WoodBoxRadio. As the Tmate drivers are “single
client” a way was developed to make full use of the controllers in the “multi instance” SDRuno
environment: this has been achieved by implementing a “Tmate server” and using inter-process
communication (IPC).
10.1 What do I need to use Tmate (and Tmate 2) with SDRuno?
First you need to connect the Tmate to a free USB port. For Tmate you need also to install its driver while
for Tmate 2 this is not necessary (Tmate 2 is a HID device so it uses a system standard driver. The
following files (supplied with SDRuno) must be included in your SDRuno folder(s):
For Tmate: ELAD_Encoder.dll.
For Tmate 2: TMATE2_DLL.dll.
If SDRuno
doesn’t find the needed dll it disables the server and reports the status in the Tmate settings
10.2 The Tmate server
The Tmate server implements bi-directional communication between the Tmate and whatever VRX you
like, even across multiple application instances (more on this later). Think of the Tmate server as a “global
resource”; it is created (if needed) by the SDRuno instance #0. The process is of course entirely
transparent to the user.