SECTION 6. Lockers
Setting and Attaching Lockers:
Once you have prepared and inspected the area, and installed the bases (if supplied), you are ready to
begin setting lockers. If the lockers are being installed without a base, Scranton Products recommends
using the leveling plate provided to provide an even surface for locker installation. Check the floor space
and locate the high and low spots. Use this point of reference to ensure the lockers will sit level after the
installation, using shimming as required. The layout drawings provided show the “bank configura-
tion” (see below). Use this to determine the location of the different banks on the job.
Locate the bank required for this area.
Place the bank into position, and check
for fit. Make sure that the bank is set
square and level. This is crucial since you
will be attaching the next banks to this
first one.
Locate the next bank required. Place this
bank into position next to the first bank
installed. Locate the pre-drilled holes on
the side of the face frame. Join the sec-
ond bank to the first bank using the 10-24
x 1” thru bolts provided. Do no overtighten
the screws.
Stretching and compressing lockers is a sign of overtightening thru bolts which will prevent proper
functioning of lockers.
Locate the next bank required and repeat the process above to continue joining banks together up to a
maximum of (4) banks of three.
Note: Recessed lockers with trim —
Space from the edge of the wall will be required for locker orders that
require trim. See designated spacing requirements on floor plans before beginning installation.