Thank you for purchasing this Trinity 6000 3 Bed Haulm Topper, we use only
the finest quality materials and workmanship to give you a machine of the
highest standard of quality and with added innovation to create a machine of
exceptional value.
These operating instructions are designed to give you important information
on the safety aspects of operating the machine, avoiding danger and
maximising productivity, whilst reducing repair costs and downtime.
Following the advice of this manual will increase reliability and service life of
the machine and ensure all users safety.
Please ensure
users have access to this manual whenever the machine
is in use, failure to do so could result in personal injury.
Please ensure all users of the machine have read and fully understood these
instructions prior to using the machine and are aware of all the dangers
involved in using this machinery.
Any persons working on or with the machine must be reliable, competent
and above the statutory age limit. Only authorised personnel can work on or
with this machine. Any work needed to be carried out on electrical or
mechanical parts must be carried out by qualified personnel and if in
training, under the supervision of suitably trained personnel. Failure to
follow any of these instructions can lead to risk of injury to you and other
people as well as causing damage to the environment or the machine.
All advice in this manual must be observed. Failure to do so can result in all
claims for damages becoming invalid.
The advice we offer in this manual contains basic advice which should be
observed during setting-up, operation and maintenance.
Please note Scotts Potato Machinery accepts no liability on the following: -
Any damage to agricultural produce or other items which occurs as a
result of operating and adjustment errors or other incorrect usage
Damage caused as a result of operations not complying with the
designated use of the machine.
Damage caused by the use of parts, accessories or ancillary equipment
not supplied and/or not approved by Scotts Potato Machinery
Conversion of or modifications to the machine not carried out or
authorised by Scotts Potato Machinery
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