1.7 Connecting the CAT5 Output Cables
Before connecting CAT5 cables to the PRO-1001, the cable infrastructure should be tested using an
industry standard tester set to T568B. This will ensure there are no crossed pairs or open circuits, as
this may damage the PRO-1001 system. It is also important to ensure there are no third party products
connected to the other end, as this can also damage the system.
The cables can now be connected to the RJ45 sockets located on the front panel. When connected,
both green and amber LED's should remain illuminated. Should either LED begin to flash the CAT5
cable should be removed immediately to prevent damage to the PRO-1001. See section (1.6) for
further information.
1.8 Interface Protection Circuit (IPC)
To protect the PRO-1000 from crossed pairs, short circuits and third party products attached to the
receiving end of the cable. The PRO-1001 has a unique (IPC) embedded software monitoring all the
ports. This monitors all the ports and will act only on the port with the fault, leaving all remaining ports
fully functional.
Should it be necessary for the (IPC) firmware to shut down a port, the amber LED will begin to flash.
The flashing of the amber LED indicates a faulty cable and turns of the power to this port. This will
occur on both the PRO-1001 and the PRO-6001/4 receiver attached to the other end of the cable. It
is important that you remove the cable causing the problem and re-test before trying again.
In the event of a flashing amber LED, the CAT5 cable should be removed