1.0 Product Introduction
1.2 The Scientifica Scanhead
1.2.2 Product overview
The Scientifica Scanhead is optimised for the diffraction limited X Y
raster scanning of infrared radiation (700-1100 nm) across a biological
specimen. The two scan axes are provided by two high speed
galvanometer scanners (galvos) operating at a maximum scan angle of
7.6 degrees up to scan rates of 1 kHz. This scan angle approximates
to a field of view of ~
m, when using a 40
microscope objective.
There are two available input ports to the Scanhead on the left and right
side of the lower scan assembly housing the X galvo scanner. The input
beam diameter is limited by the 3 mm
5 mm mirrors fitted to the
galvanometer scanners.
A unique feature of the Scanhead, which limits the amount of beam
wobble on the back aperture of the objective, is an optimised set of relay
lenses. The relay lenses are situated vertically in a beam tube between
the x and y galvos.
Once the beam of light has passed through the relay lenses it is directed
along a 3.5x beam expander, which sits horizontally under the top cover
of the Scanhead. This serves to fill the back aperture of the objective to
a diameter 10.5 mm for a 3 mm input beam.
The last optic of the Scanhead is the switchable top diagonal turning
mirror used to switch between laser scanning and widefield camera