Com pass Card
Course Se lect
Head ing Se lect
Course Se lect
Course Se lect
VOR & Lo cal izer
De vi a tion Bar
Sym bolic Aircraft
Dual Glideslope
Sym bolic Aircraft
NAV Warn ing Flag
Lub ber Line
Com pass Warn ing Flag
For LOC op er a tion and ILS front course ap proach, tune the nav i ga -
tion re ceiver to the de sired fre quency, set the pointer to the se -
lected in bound lo cal izer course, and if a us able glideslope sig nal is
re ceived, the glideslope pointer will de flect into view. The
glideslope pointer in di cates the po si tion of the glideslope path with
re spect to the air craft. The po si tion of the de vi a tion bar with re -
spect to the sym bolic air craft in di cates the rel a tive po si tion of the
se lected course. For backcourse op er a tion, set the course pointer to
lo cal izer course. The de vi a tion bar po si -
tion rel a tive to the sym bolic air craft then rep re sents the po si tion of
the backcourse with re spect to the air craft.
If the KI 525A HDG flag ap pears in view af ter the sys tem has been
op er at ing or will not go out of view af ter ini tial power up, one of
the fol low ing con di tions ex ists and the com pass in for ma tion will
not be re li able:
1) The gyro on the KG 102A is not run ning above 50% of its nor -
mal speed.
2) The sys tem has not ro tated to the mag netic head ing and
switched out of fast slave on ini tial power up.
3) The power sup ply in the KG 102A is not func tion ing prop erly.
KI 525A PNI (Part of KCS 55A sys tem)
(Pic to rial Nav i ga tion In di ca tor)
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996