The KR 87 Au to matic Di rec tion Finder has two op er a tional modes.
In the ANT (An tenna) mode (ADF but ton out) the loop an tenna is
dis abled, and the unit sim ply acts as a re ceiver, al low ing au dio re -
cep tion through the head phones. The in di ca tor nee dle will re main
parked at the 90° rel a tive po si tion and the ANT mes sage on the left
side of the dis play will be il lu mi nated. This mode pro vides
slightly clearer au dio re cep tion, and is used for sta tion iden ti fi ca -
tion. In var i ous parts of the world, some L/MF sta tions use an in -
ter rupted car rier for iden ti fi ca tion pur poses. A Beat Fre quency
Os cil la tor (BFO) func tion is pro vided to per mit these sta tions to be
more eas ily iden ti fied. Pushing the BFO switch will cause a
tone to be heard when ever there is a ra dio car rier sig nal
pres ent at the se lected fre quency. It will also light the BFO mes -
sage in the cen ter of the dis play.
With the ADF but ton de pressed, the unit is placed into the ADF
mode and the loop an tenna is en abled. The ADF mes sage on the
left side of the dis play will be il lu mi nated and the in di ca tor nee dle
will point to the rel a tive bear ing of the se lected sta tion. In or der to
tell if there is a suf fi cient sig nal for nav i ga tional pur poses, the pi -
lot can place the KR 87 back in the ADF mode, park ing the in di ca -
tor nee dle at 90°. When the unit is then switched to the ADF
mode, the nee dle should slew to the sta tion bear ing in a pos i tive
man ner, with out ex ces sive slug gish ness, wa ver ing, or re ver sals.
A. Ac tive Fre quency (The fre quency to which the ADF is tuned)
The ac tive fre quency is dis played in the left hand win dow. This
fre quency may be changed with the con cen tric knobs when ei ther
timer mode (FLT or ET) is be ing dis played in the right hand win -
dow. The ex cep tion to this is when the ET mes sage is flash ing
(see be low). To set the 10’s digit push the small knob in and ro tate
it. Clock wise ro ta tion will in cre ment the digit. The digit will roll
over at 9 to 0 and roll un der (when turn ing the knob coun ter clock -
wise) at 0 to 9. With the small knob pulled out the 1’s digit may
be set. Its op er a tion is the same as for the 10’s digit.
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995